Literary Theory and Literary Criticism How and why we read literature
Literary Theory The reasons for how and why we read literature have been studied, written about, and hotly debated for centuries, going as far back as Aristotle’s Poetics. In the humanities of modern academia, these theories make up Literary Theory. Correspondingly, readers and scholars apply literary theory through Literary Criticism, the study, interpretation, and evaluation of literature.
#Englishmajorland In Englishmajorland, readers discover hidden universal truths about themselves, society, nature, the human condition, etc. Truths is plural because in Englishmajorland, truth is a matter of perspective. In Englishmajorland, these perspectives are called “critical lenses” (literary theory). Demonstration?
Literary Theory and AP Literature In this course, we will read works of literature from a variety of authors across time, space, and cultures. Each work will offer particular truths that we must endeavor to uncover. Each work offers a multitude of unique perspectives about the human condition. As you will find, some of the truths within these works might have been intentionally or accidentally created, or might even be truths we project into the literature. Each truth is valuable. Truth is truth in Englishmajorland. In this course, you will read literature like an English (or literary) professor.
Researching Literary Theories In groups of 2-4 students you will choose (or be assigned) a particular literary theory (also called a critical lense). You will present your findings to the class next week in a 5-10 minute presentation with a visual aid. The key components of your research are as follows: Central beliefs/parts of the theory Apply the theory to a work of literature you have read in the last four years Major proponents of the theory and their essential works Each group will also serve as experts of the theory when we read Frankenstein/Wuthering Heights.
Note Throughout the year, I am going to ask you individually and the class as a whole to view novels, short stories, dramas, and poems through various “lenses” to extract meaning. Keep in mind that some lenses will be more applicable than others but because literary criticism is a matter of interpretation any view can be plausible. Also, you might find some of these perspectives “out there” but try and keep an open mind. Finally, some of the theories on the next slide are related are part of subcategories and others are not.
Essential Literary Theories in Academia Formalist, Structuralist, and Deconstructive Theory Biographical and Historicism Theory Reader Response Theory Mythological, Cultural, and Postcolonial Theory Psychoanalytical Theory Sociological, Marxist, and Homosocial Theory Gender, Feminist, and Queer Theory Existentialism Theory