Cultivating Commitments, relationships, and positive interactions CCRPI K-8 Academy Eddie J. White K-8 Academy Clayton County Public Schools Larry Guilford Carolyn Rupert Rudolph Tabares
Learning Targets I can describe how PBIS is related to CCRPI. I can understand the glows and grows from the first year of implementation I can describe the innovative practices in a PBIS school and discuss its relationship to CCRPI I can explain a T-Day activity
Session Norms Respect the Presenter and Participants Participate in All Activities and Discussions Limit Sidebar Conversations Close All Laptops / Electronic Devices Until Needed Silence All Cell Phones Take Restroom Breaks Responsibly
Snap shot of Eddie White K-8 academy Clayton County Public School District Principal, Mrs. Angel McCrary 1422 students Kindergarten through 8th grade Title I school 100% free and reduced lunch 148 Faculty/Staff members PBIS implementation 2015-2016 school year
First year implementation Pulled together a team that represented the K-8 school Only had 5 to 6 members assisting with the creation of all documents Had multiple trainings prior to roll out to faculty because of the amount of staff
Takeaways from initial year Learned From Worked Communication issues Large team Lack of bell system on middle school side Celebration fails Focus on a few things at a time Training Core team members Documents created and implemented Monthly data discussions
Training Process Coach and Administrative Lead PBIS Team Development Leadership Team Grade Level/Content Leads Parent Meeting Faculty/Staff Students (Town Hall Meetings)
Innovative practices T-day activities Drama club assists with character education activities Linked to CCRPI Improved behavior=Improved attendance=Improved Academics
Innovative Practices Exceeding the Bar Indicators In addition to the ten (10) items within the College and Career Ready Performance Index, middle schools may earn additional points for these supplemental indicators. Percent of students earning a passing score in three middle school courses in the fine arts, or career exploratory, or world languages by the end of grade 8 (courses must be in the same area of concentration) Percent of students earning at least one high school credit by the end of grade 8 (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, fine arts, CTAE) and scoring at Proficient Learner or above on the required Georgia Milestones EOCs School has earned a Georgia Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Program Certification Percent of teachers utilizing the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) School or LEA-defined innovative practice accompanied by data supporting improved student achievement: examples include but are not limited to Charter System, Georgia College and Career Academy, Striving Reader initiative, dual language immersion program, Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and/or Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC), Response to Intervention (RTI), Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS), local instructional initiatives, etc. Practice must be reported via the CCRPI Data Collection application. School or LEA Research/Evidence-Based Program/Practice designed to facilitate a personalized climate in the school: examples include but are not limited to Teachers as Advisors program; mentoring program; Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS); service-learning program; peer mediation; conflict mediation.
T-Day Activity “You’re Not the boss of me”
Behavioral Data
Behavioral Data utilization Monthly reports sent out to staff members Monthly data discussions with staff members Analysis of areas of concern Creation of action plans for concern areas Increased teacher placement/coverage
Alternatives to oss/iss Behavior Specialist – Social Emotional Learning Chasing Character Program Boundaries and Beyond Choices Let’s Get Real (Anti- Bullying) When I see Red Systems of Care Peer Mediation (Conflict Resolution)
Elementary Monthly Celebration
Upper Grades Monthly celebration
Teacher buy in Key to implementation Teacher reward system Paws on the back Skeptical teachers Wolf bucks Climate and cultural shifts
kahoot Log into
questions Now that’s some High Quality PBIS
Thank you Contact Information Larry A. Guilford – Carolyn Rupert – Rudolph Tabares –