Pathway to ELPAC One district’s story Carmel Acosta-Cooper, Ed.D. Senior Program Evaluator
CELDT vs ELPAC Building Background With your neighbor review and sort the assessment descriptors Place them on the grid based on your background knowledge of the CELDT and the ELPAC If you don’t know, use your inferencing skills.
How did you do?
Info & Updates Out is the portal for test administration resources and CDE ELPAC Website ( ) General Information ELPAC Assessment Fact Sheet (CDE says no translations are planned) ELPAC Domain Information Sheets (CDE says no translations are planned) A Parent Guide to Understanding the ELPAC (translations available soon) Other Resources in Spanish/Other languages Educator Opportunities (range finding, standard setting, items alignment) ELPAC Training of Trainer Sessions (seat allocations) ELPAC Academy by SCOE – PD for teams that support EL instruction (includes a session on how to develop formative/interim assessments related to the ELPAC task types.
https://www. eventsforce. net/scoe/frontend/reg/thome. csp
District Activities operated on these basics Task types are set within a communicative context Assesses collaborative standards (engagement in dialogue with others) Involves integrated tasks, students draw info from listening/reading to generate spoken or written response The initial assessment is shorter, fewer task types The most complex/challenging task types on the CELDT become mid-range ELPAC task types. Listening involved playing the prompts from TOMS
District Activities Informed district executives, school board, principals, site test coordinators Provided an overview and template for beginning to communicate with teachers, parents, students for site leaders Obtained feedback about the district ELPAC test window. Set to run from February/March because of district testing and SBAC testing Set up coordinator training, examiner training, training of trainers Order sets of speakers for all sites for listening
“ELPAC Pioneer” Group Complement instructional team’s work Website information Parent, student resources Teacher resources including ELPAC modules to support teachers in instruction (basics, connections, details, resources) Feedback back on ELPAC-related formative assessments RUSD has representatives on ELPAC state groups, with those same reps on the Pioneer Group
ELPAC Field Test Summative Assessment in March: 350 students (7 sites) Initial Assessment in August-September: 100 students SA students were selected by CDE (EL, EO, IFEP, RFEP) No field test scores will be reported IA students are grades 1, 2, 7, 9-10, 11-12
ELPAC Field Test Administering and scoring the speaking domain involves more training…new tasks…more rubrics Examiners need good handle on all of the script New task types will be a challenge Informational text, all domains Integrated ELD, integrated tasks Writing’s constructed response focus
Collaboration Departments working collaboratively toward high quality instruction for EL students Development of Formative Assessments related to ELPAC ELPAC Academy team District’s strengthening use of formative assessment Types of activities include listen to a story, then retell it and reading info in a graphic organizer, then writing about it.
Parent Resources Family Resource Center & Assessment Center Easy to use tools Translating information materials CDE’s Domain information sheets & ELPAC Fact Sheet Other ELPAC-related materials used in the district
CABE ELPAC Institute 50 District, Site, Parent Reps What is the ELPAC? Timeline, design, performance levels ELPAC & SBAC CELDT vs ELPAC ELPAC Pilot Blueprints & Task Types Standards tested Informing next steps
CABE ELPAC Institute Unpacking the ELPAC Tasks Listening Task Types and Aligned Standards Identified the themes across task types e.g., exchanging info, listening actively, evaluating language choices, expressing information, offering/supporting/justifying opinions, reading closely literary and information text, composing literary and informational texts
CABE ELPAC Institute ELPAC Tasks Type Activity What processes, skills, abilities and knowledge does the student need? Instructional connections- What strategies already in use in the classroom /district/site? Instructional Implications- What strategies to be implemented in the classrooms/district/site? Next steps: 3 steps that can be taken in the next four weeks to prepare for the ELPAC Task Title, Language Domain ELD Standard(s) What the examiner does What the student does This was a very helpful activity that the institute participants accomplished. Needed are the task type description and the ELD standards that the task type address.
CABE ELPAC Institute Unpacking the ELPAC Tasks Review the example template in the packet. With a partner, complete the blank portions of the reverse side Use the info on the task type and standards sheets Provide a couple of answers in the blank boxes. You do not need to be exhaustive for this activity…just a few answers will be fine. Share out will follow in 5 minutes
Calendar 2017-18 2017-18 – CELDT for Initial Assessment September – ELPAC Initial Assessment Field Test October – ELPAC Training of Trainers ELPAC Examiner Trainings (district specific) February-May 2018 – ELPAC Summative Assessment 2018-19 – ELPAC for Initial and Summative Assessment
Some questions How will the 4 performance level descriptors (ELPAC) connect to the 3 proficiency levels (ELD Stds)? Will the test allocation increase? How will TKs and K initial test takers this fall participate in ELPAC summative in 2018? Will there be more EL students identified? Will there be fewer reclassifications?
Share out Please take a few minutes to share with the people your table about your district’s/site’s/department’s pathway to ELPAC. After, we will go once around the room if you would like to share some highlights of table discussion with the group.
Contacts Carmel Acosta-Cooper, RUSD CELDT & ELPAC Coordinator Dept. Research, Assessment & Evaluation 951-788-7135, ext. 80805; Pati DeRobles, Instructional Services Specialist - Dept. Instructional Services (English Learner) - ext. 80704; Michelle Mitchell, Instructional Services Specialist - ext. 80206;