Chapter 2: Globalization Charles van Marrewijk International Trade Chapter 2: Globalization
2.2 world income and trade, log scale income (GDP) Note: in a log graph with time on horizontal axis the slope of the line reflects the growth rate trade (export + import)
2.3b world trade and income growth; 5-year moving average, %
2.5 traditional and fragmented production processes I. traditional production process production block country A firm 1 inputs markets The link between globalization and fragmentation is analyzed in Chapter 15 II. globalized fragmented production process inputs production block 1 country A firm 1 production block 2 country B firm 1 service link service link inputs production block 3 country C firm 2 production block 4 country A firm 1 service link service link markets inputs inputs
2.6 development of world income per capita; 0-2014, log scale
% below world average (country = 100) -400 Iraq % above world average 2.7 Leaders and laggards in income per capita: a widening perspective Switzerland Australia USA Netherlands UK 200 Italy Iran Iraq Italy 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1 1000 1500 Many Many Other Africa Western Offshoots Western Offshoots New Zealand Australia India -200 New Zealand China % below world average (country = 100) -400 Iraq
2.8 carrying capacity of European merchant fleets; 1470-1780, metric tons
2.9 two waves of globalization; merchandise exports, % of GDP
A rise in Britain import demand price 2.10 international trade and market integration America export supply A rise in Britain import demand Britain import demand quantity
2.12 London external bond spread; 1870-1940, fourteen core and empire bonds
2.13 foreign capital stock; assets / world income, 1860-2000
2.14 relative migration flows; western europe and western offshoots, 1870-2010
Russia Brazil S Africa China India
China India Russia Brazil S Africa
2.16 global Gini coefficient; 1970-2050, base scenario
2.17 projection of world distribution of income, 2010 – 2015 500 2010 2020 2030 millions of people 2040 400 2050 300 200 100 10,000 income level log scale 100 1,000 100,000 1,000,000
2.18 projection of regional distributions of income, 2010-2050 120 2.18 projection of regional distributions of income, 2010-2050 Year 2010 SA millions of people EA 60 SSA OECD 120 1,000 10,000 100,000 income level log scale 1,000,000 SA Year 2050 millions of people EA SSA 60 OECD 100 income level log scale 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000