Figures of speech (rhetoric devices) Prepared by: Ahmed Z. Elshourbasi Under the supervision of: Dr. Waleed Amer
1- Personification : التشخيص Personification is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that is not human or, in some cases, to something that is not even alive. 1- Look at my car. She is a beauty, isn’t it so? 2- The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to another. 3- The sky weeps. التشخيص: يَوْمَ نَقُولُ لِجَهَنَّمَ هَلِ امْتَلَأْتِ وَتَقُولُ هَلْ مِنْ مَزِيدٍ ﴿ق 30﴾ سَمِعُوا لَهَا تَغَيُّظًا وَزَفِيرًا (الفرقان)12
2- Metaphor and simile: التشبيه Metaphor is the comparison of two different things by speaking of one in terms of anther; a metaphor asserts that one thing actually is another thing. E.g. 1- He fought like a lion. 2- The eyes are the windows of the soul. Simile: like the metaphor but the difference is only in the article. 1- He was a lion in the battle. 2- "My love is like a red, red rose" Robert Burns"
In Arabic التشبيه: 1- أنا كالماءَ إِنْ رَضيتُ صفاءً... وإذَا مَا سَخطتُ كُنتُ لهيبا 2- سِرْنا في ليلٍ بَهيم ... كأَنَّهُ البَحْرُ ظَلاماً وإِرْهاباً. 3- الجَوَادُ في السرعة بَرْقٌ خاطِفٌ
3- Symbolism: الرمزية Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. 1- "Black" is a symbol that represents evil or death. 2- "The dove“ is a symbol of peace. 3- "red rose" or "red color" stands for love or romance.
الرمزية: 1-«جئتكم حاملا غصن الزيتون في يدٍ وببندقية الثائر في يدٍ" 3-" محمد ذو قلب أبيض"
4- Metonymy: الكناية أو المجاز المرسل The name of an object or concept is replaced with a word closely related to or suggested by the original. 1- "Lend me your ears!" from Mark Antony in Julius Caesar. 2- "eyes on the board" 3- We must wait to hear from the crown.
الكناية: 1- قد رزقي الله بحورية صغيرة. 2- استضافني رجل طائي.
5- Irony: التورية The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning, or they are words used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. 1- “Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera.” 2- As sunny as a winter day in Alaska.
التورية: 1- قال حافظ إبراهيم مداعبا صديقة أحمد شوقي يقولون: إن الشوق نار ولوعة فما بال شوقي اليوم أصبح باردا ؟ 2- أقبل نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى المدينة وهو مردف أبا بكر، وأبو بكر شيخ يعرف، ونبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شاب لا يعرف قال: فيلقى الرجل أبا بكر فيقول: يا أبا بكر من هذا الرجل الذي بين يديك؟ فيقول: هذا الرجل يهديني السبيل. قال فيحسب الحاسب أنه إنما يعني الطريق وإنما يعني سبيل الخير....
6- Paradox: A statement appears to be self-contradictory or silly but may include a latent truth. It is also used to illustrate an opinion or statement contrary to accepted traditional ideas. 1- I am nobody 2- he killed me with his kindness. 2- Wise fool 3- “I must be cruel to be kind.” 4- Ignorance is strength . 5- War is peace التضاد: الناطق الأبكم "صامت لو تكلم"
7- Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of each or most of the words in a sentence. 1- "Let us go forth to lead the land we love" - J. F. Kennedy 2- The wild winds whisk to the West.
8- Polysemy: 1- We had a good time yesterday. enjoyable is the association of one word with two or more distinct meanings adjective good in the following sentences: 1- We had a good time yesterday. enjoyable 2- That ticket is good for travel on any flight. valid 3- It’s a good ten miles to the next gas station. complete
تعدد المعاني: 1- احضرت لكم مياه من العين 2- عين الانسان من اهم أعضاء الجسم 3- قبضت الشرطة على عين للعدو
10- Antonyms: (opposites) Is a word that has the opposite meaning as another word, it refers to a word that is completely different from another. 1- wanted, dead or a live. 2- bad – good 3- before – after 4- day and night 5- black and white. التضاد: 1- (( يهب لمن يشاء إناثاً ويهب لمن يشاء الذكور ويجعل من يشاء عقيما)) 2- ((إن في خلق السموات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الالباب))