Puppets around the world
All around the world… Puppets are used as a form of entertainment. Vietnamese water puppets Punch and Judy on a British beach
Puppets have entertained people for many years! Punch and Judy has been around for around 400 years and was very popular in Victorian times. Puppets have been popular in India and China for thousands of years.
There are many different types of puppets glove puppets finger puppets rod puppets body puppets marionettes shadow puppets
Finger puppets Finger puppets are usually small and made from fabric. They are worn on the finger!
Glove or hand puppets These are a very popular form of puppetry. They are usually made from fabric and cover the whole hand and part of the arm.
Can you recognise these famous glove puppets?
Rod puppets Indonesian rod puppets Chinese peasant rod puppets Rod puppets are controlled by long thin rods that the puppeteer uses to move the puppet’s arms and legs Indonesian rod puppets Chinese peasant rod puppets
Shadow puppets This is a very old form of puppetry which comes from China. Can you think how these puppets might work?
Marionettes Marionettes are made from a variety of materials including fabric, wood, papier mache. Strings attached to the arms and legs make the puppets move.
Human body puppets These are very popular in carnivals, especially Chinese dragons used to celebrate Chinese New Year.