Legacy and future of the World Data System (WDS) certification of data services and networks Dr Mustapha Mokrane, Executive Director, WDS International Programme Office
WDS Mandate Enable universal and equitable (full and open) access to quality-assured scientific data, data services, products and information Ensure long-term data stewardship Foster compliance to agreed-upon data standards and conventions Provide mechanisms to facilitate and improve access to data and data products The World Data System is striving to build worldwide ‘communities of excellence’ for scientific data services. It was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in October 2008, building on more than 50 years experience of its predecessor bodies World Data Centres and Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical data analysis Services established by ICSU to manage data generated from the International Geophysical Year (1957–1958). 7/12/2015 Open Science Data Workshop, Kyoto 2015
Why Certification for WDS? Builds confidence in the usability and persistence of data and infrastructure: Trustworthiness Ensures transparency and verifiability of research data: Integrity of Science Helps data stewardship organizations improve capacities and demonstrate value: Good Practice, Sustainability
Standards for trust Formal Extended Core The WDS certification was defined by incorporating best practices from existing standards developed by other organizations and projects (e.g., the Open Archival Information System Reference Model5, Online Computer Library Center, Inc.6, network of expertise in long-term storage of digital resources in Germany7, World Meteorological Organization Information System8, Center for Research Libraries9, and Data Seal of Approval10 [DSA]), whilst striking a balance between simplicity and robustness
WDS Membership 64 Regular 10 Networks 9 Applications under review Organizations that are data stewards and/or data analysis services 10 Networks Umbrella bodies representing groups of data stewardship organizations and/or data analysis services (ESDIS, IODE, IVOA...) 9 Applications under review 7/12/2015 Open Science Data Workshop, Kyoto 2015
WDS Certification Certification and periodic review of data services Evaluation criteria based on international standards and best practices Review board and certification authority Candidates for WDS membership demonstrate their compliance against the relevant catalogue of criteria, supplying evidence by means of an online application form and following guidance provided for each criterion. In some cases, the questions can simply be answered positively or negatively, whereas in others, answers require non-standardized information from applicants that indicates the degree of their compliance and maturity. Applications are assessed by two reviewers appointed from—or by—the WDS-SC, which functions as a certification authority. Successful applicants are accredited as a WDS Regular or Network Member and are reviewed again within three-to-five years. 7/12/2015 Open Science Data Workshop, Kyoto 2015
WDS Evaluation Criteria Letter of Agreement with ICSU External experts to provide advice and guidance WDS bi-annual meetings Active communication with research community/users Full, open, timely, unrestricted access to metadata, data… General requirements & Policies Organizational framework Defined scope, responsibility for long-term preservation, target user community and needs, rights of users to access data, processes to respond to change Adequate in terms of funding, staff, long-term planning Scientific expertise: local oversight of international repute Continuity plan Committed to formal periodic review and assessment Management of data, products and services Ensures integrity and authenticity during ingest, archival storage, data quality assessment and analysis, product generation and access and delivery Defined criteria for collection, selection and evaluation Defined specifications for archival storage Efficient usage: defined criteria, preferably open standards (searchable, accessible, and usable objects and services) The certification process is based on two catalogues of evaluation criteria11: one for Regular Members and another for Network Members. The catalogue of criteria for WDS Regular Members has 17 criteria grouped under 4 headings. Network Members—which are umbrella bodies—vary greatly in their structure and responsibilities (e.g., central bureau, coordinating committee, secretariat, programme office, etc.), as well as in how they take responsibility for the competence and on-going performance of individual network components. As a result, the catalogue of criteria for Network Members has less emphasis on management of data, products, and services and on technical infrastructure. Instead, it contains an additional section covering the network’s organization and aims, and how it takes on responsibility for the quality of its components. Technical infrastructure Well-supported OS and software Hardware and software technologies appropriate to the services it provides to its designated community(ies) Security: facility, its users, data, products and services
Certification visibility?
Future of WDS Certification Adoption of the DSA–WDS Common Certification for WDS Regular Members Continue to accredit WDS Network Members (networks of data services) using the existing catalogue
Thank you for listening. IPO@icsu-wds. org mustapha. mokrane@icsu-wds Thank you for listening! IPO@icsu-wds.org mustapha.mokrane@icsu-wds.org Twitter: @ICSU_WDS Thanks for listening. For more information on the ICSU World Data System, please contact the International Programme Office…