The Remote Record Different tricks and tips for recording podcast guests located anywhere around the world Mathew Passy Podcast Producer/Consultant at Head of content at
What Is Covered Tape Syncs Zencaster Double End Recording Skype Ringr Pros Skype Cons Ringr 1 on 1 calls 2 on 1 1 on 2 Phone calls Coaching your guests Guests Troubleshooting Software Q & A Best practices
Tape Sync The most efficient way to record a remote guest Hire a producer to record them in person Creates a high quality recording Ensures they are recording into a microphone Gives you a producer on scene to coach guest $$$$ These sessions can often run $150 per hour/plus mileage. You might have to work with someone unknown EXPERIMENT – Reach out to other podcasters and see if they’ll help you out
Double End Recording Ideal for two podcast professionals working remotely You each record your side of the conversation Ensures high quality studio recording Provides you with two separate tracks Requires post production work Difficult to get guests who are not broadcasters to do this well *You can also implement double end recording with other solutions as a back up (encouraged)
Skype 1 on 1 Calls Between 2 Hosts Most common way to record podcast interviews Ideal when both hosts have a mic You can easily do this with some type of recording software (good to use double end as a backup) Ecamm (mac) Audio Hijack (mac) Amolto (PC) iFree Skype Recorder (PC) Recommend having computers hard-wired to router USE HEADPHONES If you hear audio dropout during call, stop and retake that part, recording lost it too Each party is on separate track for better editing later
Skype 1 on 1 call (Host and Guest) Guest doesn’t need equipment Can use Skype on smartphone like a phone ensuring a decent sound Don’t let them use onboard laptop speaker mic (PLEASE) They can also use headset Headset into computer that is hardwired ideal Higher fidelity than a phone Make sure they have reliable Wi-Fi or cellular service You can set up a guest account Tell them to put smartphone on do not disturb If they are not tech savvy, don’t want to use skype or have a smartphone, you can also use Skype to simply dial their phone Relatively cheap Phone quality
Skype 1 on 2 (One host and 2 guests) 2 on 1 (2 Hosts Skyping a guest) Start a three-way call on Skype Same rules as above apply Limitation – Your voice is on one track, both of their voices share a track 2 on 1 (2 Hosts Skyping a guest) Skype only allows for one input if you are using a mixer You can still record your hosts individually in your DAW Guest doesn’t need to hear you and host in HD sound, as long as you record in HD sound
Skype Best Practices **CHECK YOUR SETTINGS EVERYTIME BEFORE YOU START THE CALL** Call the Skype echo service and record it to make sure everything is working Don’t use camera, save bandwidth If you start a video call to see your guest, you should restart the call for audio, don’t just kill the camera. Close other programs on your computer to save bandwidth Software that does double end recording for you Records everyone’s side of the conversation locally Doesn’t matter if it sounds like the call drops out, the computer still captures the local audio uninterrupted No software to install, just go to their website Easy to use Currently unlimited Can’t record on a mobile device Guests need mic to sound good (NO LAPTOP SPEAKER MICS) You can ship ATR-2100’s to guests Software subject to losing conversation if parties don’t disconnect properly and let audio upload Won’t be free forever
Ringr Double End Recording Has smartphone apps meaning guests can record as if they are holding a phone Allows more than one input on desktop solution. Good for 2 hosts vs 1 guest interview (still recommend recording hosts through DAW) Provides on screen instructions for guests Requires monthly subscription (see me for affiliate/discount code) Still struggling with some issues (chrome) No conference call feature yet
Coaching Your Guest Tell guest to choose a quiet environment that is echo-free STAY PUT (especially for Wi-Fi cellular based connections) Don’t use speakerphones or phone conferencing equipment Put mobile devices on Do Not Disturb and have them mute other devices or desktop notification which may create noise during the interview Tell them to find a comfortable position that they can remain in for an extended period of time. Most movement or walking around will be audible in the recording Make sure others know not to disturb you during this time Most importantly, tell them to relax and have a good time! This should be fun
Troubleshooting If guest is using equipment, make sure their settings are correct as well Pick times of day when there’s less broadband traffic (especially at home) Have their phone number to reach them in case of issue 30 minute interview? Schedule 1 Hour MAKE SURE YOU HIT RECORD **CHECK YOUR SETTINGS**
Questions? Happy to test your connection with you! Reach me at Skype: Mpassy18 Twitter @mathewpassy Or just google Mathew Passy, you’ll find me.