Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Richardson’s Class- 4C
Daily Schedule 8:05-8:55 Math 8:55-9:35 Guided Math Daily Schedule 8:05-8:55 Math 8:55-9:35 Guided Math 9:40-10:25 Specials 10:25-11:10 Reading 11:10-11:25 Science/Social Studies 11:25-11:55 Recess 11:55-12:25 Lunch 12:25-12:55 Science/Social Studies 12:55-1:35 Guided Reading 1:35-2:20 Writing 2:20-2:30 Homeroom
Special Schedule Day A - P.E. Day B - Music Day C - Art Day D - P.E. Day E - Technology
Reading & Writing Whole Group Instruction (Reading Street) and Guided Reading with Daily Five Occasional homework- If we don’t have homework, the students can read for 20 minutes. Raz-Kids- Students will get their own login. Once they login they will have access to many books at their reading level Writing: Lucy Calkins Writing Series Spelling: Pre-test on Friday and Post-test the following Friday If a student gets zero or one wrong on the pre-test they will be given challenge words. If they get two wrong on the pre-test they can choose whether they would like challenge words.
Social Studies & Science Social Studies Topics: Map Skills Regions of the United States Environment Landform Economy States & Capitals Science Topics: Classification of Living Things Matter Magnets and Electricity Rocks and Minerals Clouds/Water Cycle Sound/Light
Homework As a fourth grade team we decided that work that is not finished in class will be homework. Homework is considered practice and will not likely be graded, but checked for comprehension of the subject area. Weekly homework is to study spelling words, complete unfinished assignments, and to read as often as possible. Math homework- Review homework page with your child, practice multiplication & division facts, use Khanacademy.com to watch math videos Student agendas do not need to be signed each night.
Class Dojo Rewards -5 points: office referral -5 points: office referral -3 points: phone call home -2 points: signing folder -1 point: warning 20 points: choose our brain break activity 25 points: library lounge time 30 points: share something from home 35 points: visit the treasure box 40 points: no shoes pass 40 points: choose a new avatar 45 points: write with a pen for the day 45 points: homework pass 50 points: switch seats for the day 50 points: read to a younger student 55 points: free iPad or computer time 75 points: sit at the teacher’s desk for the day and use my supplies
PowerSchool & Grading Each student has their own login and can check their grade and missing assignments. Grading Scale 98%-100% A+ 88%-89% B+ 78%-79% C+ 68%-69% D+ 93%-97% A 83%-87% B 73%-77% C 63%-67% D 90%-92% A- 80%-82% B- 70%-72% C- 60%-62% D- 59% and below F
Conferences Class Volunteers Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22 12-8 pm We will be using SignUpGenius again this year. Conference sign ups will be available to you in early November. Class Volunteers Junior Achievement Volunteer (3rd trimester) Box Top Volunteer Read Aloud Volunteer
Our class website is up and running. You can view it at ConnectEd Math Series online resources at https://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/connected/login.do Pearson SuccessNet Reading Series online resources at www.pearsonsuccess.net (Student logins are on your child’s desk and also written in their assignment notebook) Our class website is up and running. You can view it at www.millburn24.net/webpages/arichardson Contact information: arichardson@millburn24.net 847-356-8331 ext. 4851
at parent-teacher conferences! Thank you for coming tonight! I hope to see you at parent-teacher conferences!