Welcome to Back To School Night 2016 6th Grade
Twitter @RollingHillsES @mr6francis
Contact Information for 6th Grade Teachers: Robert Francis rfrancis@crsd.org Alyse Sciolla asciolla@crsd.org Kimberly Seabrook kseabrook@crsd.org Marybeth Haas (Buben) mbuben@crsd.org
Important Reminders: Conference Sign-up Friday, Sept. 2nd 9:00am (Signup Genius) Back to School Picnic Tuesday, Sept.6th 6:00-7:00pm Picture Day Friday, Sept. 9th
Rolling Hills Home and School Association
Please consider supporting us today! Thank you to those who have already supported us!
Math http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com
ELA Journeys Student ID#
ELA SRI Lexile Scores SSR Reading Logs
Overview Listed below are some of the skills and concepts that will be covered in grade six. Through self-selected and independent reading along with direct reading instruction, students will acquire strong literacy skills, be exposed to rich experiences with literature and develop a love for reading. ELA
Social Studies
Expectations Homework Parent/Student Responsibility Missed Assignment Communication Recorded in “Teacher Comment” section of assignment book by teacher (bottom) Subject, date, initial (assignment highlighted) Grades 5 missed assignments (overall) = “A” 7 missed assignments (overall) = “I”
Expectations Behavior TEAM = Culture What to Expect 1 = Reminder 2 = Seat Change 3 = Recess 4 = Removed from Class; Parent Contact Mr. Smith is notified during weekly 6th grade meetings about all behavior situations
Stay in the Know! Class Text Messages paper with codes for each class is available tonight Please register for whatever you’d like to receive messages for – ask questions in homeroom session simply send a text to the number with the code, respond with your name and you’ll be added to the list
Remind Example
Conference Sign-up signupgenius.com Conference sign-ups will be available on Friday, September 2nd @ 9:00am
Teacher Email Addresses: Francis: rfrancis@crsd.org Sciolla: asciolla@crsd.org Seabrook kseabrook@crsd.org
Please only sign-up for one time slot. Once you’ve signed up for a conference, if you need to make a change, please contact your child’s teacher. You cannot make changes independently on the website.
Thank you for joining us Thank you for joining us. Please feel free to visit your child’s classroom, ask questions, and see the items they left for you!