Welcome To Room 3 Mrs. Martinez
Stay Connected… Ways that we will stay connected this year…. Email: martinez_s@sgusd.k12.ca.us School website: www.roosevelt.sgusd.k12.ca.us Roosevelt Folder Every Thursday: to be returned the next school day Telephone: (626) 287-0512 ext. 3203 ClassDojo: Just leave a message and I will get back to you within the school day, if not sooner.
About the Teacher… Hi! I’m Socorro Martinez. This is my 19th year teaching. I have taught grades Kindergarten,1st and 4th. I love first grade best of all. I am married with 4 children. I enjoy my trips to Monterey Bay and Pacific Grove. I love going home to Fresno and visiting my family. This year, I will really depend on you to help me be the best teacher your child has ever had. Working at home to support what we are doing at school means that your child will show enormous growth. I can’t wait to learn and grow with your child. I am always willing to meet and/or speak with you about concerns you have about your child and will help as best I can. So please, do not hesitate to contact me.
Our Schedule… 7:45-Breakfast 8:30-Arrival 8:30-9:00-Morning Business Greeting, Morning Work & Calendar Fridays: 8:45-9:15 Library 9:00-10:00-Language Arts Daily 5/CAFÉ 10:00-10:15-Recess 10:15-11:15-Math Block Mondays: 10:30-11:00 MIE Choir with Ms. Trujillo 11:15-11:45-ELD Focusing on grammar, speaking in complete sentences, using academic vocabulary, conversing in groups, learning/discussing word of the day.
Our Schedule… 11:45-12:30-Lunch 12:30-12:50-Read Aloud *11:15-11:45- Mondays: Computer Lab 11:45-12:30-Lunch 12:30-12:50-Read Aloud 12:50-1:50-Writer’s Workshop (includes spelling component and testing) 1:50-2:20-Science/Social Studies/Art 2:20-2:25-Circle Time & Clean Up 2:25-Dismissal 2:25-3:25-Music Immersion Experience (MIE) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday *1:30-2:30-Music Immersion Experience on Wednesday
Curriculum… -Language Arts: Daily 5 & CAFE -ELD Instruction -Math: My Math -Writer’s Workshop: Being A Writer -Science: Pearson -Social Studies: McGraw Hill -Art: Artist of the Month
Homework… Your child will be given a homework folder. Homework is given every Monday and returned on Friday. Reading Log: 20 minutes of reading with you or to you. MUST BE INITIALED. I recommend your child read to you. He/she will be taking reading and comprehension tests throughout the year. Level J is the end of the year target for all 1st graders. Language Arts: Phonics, spelling &/or writing Math: review of previous lessons. If there is a holiday on a Monday, homework will be given on the Friday before. Please keep folder clean and neat. Along with the homework folder, ALL library books & the Thursday Folder needs to be returned on FRIDAY.
We Need Supplies… Kleenex tissue Large hand sanitizers Glue sticks We are always in need of the following supplies. Kleenex tissue Large hand sanitizers Glue sticks Lego pieces 5. Zip lock bags (Gallon size and snack size) Other activities will occur during the school year, and a letter will be sent home. Please consider donating to help make the learning experience fun!
How Can You Help Us… We love having parent volunteers in our classroom , at our school or at home. Here are ways to volunteer. If you are interested in any of these, please let me know! -Join P.T.A (Parent/Teacher Association)-You have that opportunity tonight!! -Participate in R.I.F (Reading is Fundamental) -Collect and count Box Tops. -Volunteer at our Thanksgiving Feast, Chinese New Year Celebration or Cinco De Mayo Celebration. -Help cut, laminate, sort, or glue at home. -Volunteer for field trips. -Reading with your student and making sure they get enough sleep and have healthy diet.
Important Dates and Events… August: Back to School September: Parent Information Night October: Red Ribbon Week Halloween Parade November: Thanksgiving Feast, Trimester 1 Dance Party (For those who have met their reading goals) December: Report Cards Winter Concert
Important Dates and Events… January: Chinese New Year Celebration February: Valentine’s Day Celebration March: Report Cards Trimester 2 Dance Party (For those who have met their reading goals) April: Open House May: Cinco De Mayo Celebration, Field Day, Trimester 3 Dance Party (For those who have met their reading goals), Spring Concert June: End of the school Year *Events subject to change. Please check your child’s Thursday folder for updates.
Sign Up… Don’t forget to sign up for a Teacher/Parent Conference day and time. IF you do not sign up, I will assign you a date and time. Teacher/Parent conference is held on the week of October 3rd -7th On that week, there will be shortened days Monday- Thursday. No School on Friday-Oct. 7th!
Thank You for coming and Good Night!