GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 3 - Energy Scenario- Isabelle Blanc Lionel Ménard MINES ParisTech Kickoff Meeting March 2010
Participants Isabelle Blanc (Mines ParisTech) Lionel Menard (via telecon) (Mines ParisTech) Steve Browdy (IEEE) Nadine Alameh (OGC Ipteam) Bertrand de Longueville (JRC) Steven Smolders (GIM) Juergen Walther (BKG) George Percival (OGC)
The proposed Energy scenario: “Information on environmental impacts of the production, transportation and use of energy” Nom du scenario ?
Key issues when assessing the environmental impact of the photovoltaic sector scenario (USERS) What is the most favourable material for PV panel construction ? (Installers) What are the overall environmental performances of PV systems related to their implementation ? (policy planners, energy operators) What is the carbon footprint of a PV system according to its lifecycle ? (policy planners, energy operators) What are the overall environmental performances of PV systems related to their fabrication (Installers, Energy operators, policy planners)?
Data sets needed (data providers): Solar radiation (kWh/m2) (MINES ParisTech) Environmental outputs of PV technology (Ecoinvent) GEOSS Interoperable approach (GENESIS): Support the transition of W3C services to OGC services Provide appropriate web map (WMS) and web processing capabilities (WPS) using software from the GENESIS solution Provide the Web Portal and Geodata Visualisation portlet (GUI)
PV installation impact outputs Carbon Footprint of mc-Si over France 12.4% efficiency – manufactured in France no recycling - Several impacts compared to the country mix / kWh Mc-Si technology for PV modules Modules tilt : 30° PV system lifetime = 30 years
Highlights of discussion Characteristics of energy (renewable and non-renewable) Direct and indirect impacts (over life-time) Cross SBA (climate, water, ecosystems, health) Discussion about for linking energy and emergency preparedness Supporting Arctic Council (Emergency preparedness working group) E.g. Link between location facilities and global petroleum assessment from USGS Suggestions for consideration Using same datasets to create additional outputs for the scenario (e.g. Energy PayBack Time or Climatic PayBack Time) Publish selected outputs as WMS for more wider access Issue WMS request via GEOSS portal that triggers WPS Investigate GENESIS platform catalog feature and keep WAF as a backup
Work Plan May: Finalize scenario (users, parameters, data, components, services, etc) June (?): Use case mapping, specialization and refinement Web services ready for testing Client ready for testing Demo capture Telecon every two weeks?