School Photographs Any student still wishing to purchase a school photograph should do this directly through Coldwell Art.
John Muir Award If you were part of the John Muir Award club last year with Miss Conlan and Mr Proctor please come along to a short meeting at Wednesday lunchtime at 1.40pm in the dining hall where Miss Conlan is on duty.
If you attended this trip please see Miss Conlan some time this week. London Sept. 2016 If you attended this trip please see Miss Conlan some time this week.
(S3 and S4 resume training together from 16th Nov 3.30-5.30) Bronze group – next training Wed 2nd Nov 3.30pm-5.30pm room 105 for S4 ONLY All S4 pupils should attend, see Mr Boyle/Miss McDonald before then if you can’t attend (S3 and S4 resume training together from 16th Nov 3.30-5.30)
Rugby this weekend vs Linlithgow S1 Red away @Linlithgow Ac (10 KO). Bus leaves at 8.30am. S2 at home @LHS (10 KO). 9am meet. U15’s at home @LRFC (10KO). 9am meet. U16’s away @Linlithgow RFC (10 KO). Bus leaves at 8.30am. U18’s away @Linlithgow RFC (10 KO). Bus leaves at 8.30am. *REMEMBER TO WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORM TO MATCHES*
Photography Club Are you interested in photography? Do you like taking photographs? If so, come and meet with Miss Griffin in Room 317 on Tuesday the 1st November at 13:35 for more information about joining a photography club.
Lasswade Snowsports Trip Italy. February 2018 Open to current S1 – S3 students who can already ski/snowboard – and anyone who would like to learn! See Mr Haggart in Guidance for more information.
ROME 2017 The deadline for the Rome trip deposit is this Friday (28th October). If you would like to reserve a place on the trip please hand your deposit to Miss Blake in 117. Thanks!
World Challenge Tanzania 2018 Parents Evening World Challenge Tanzania 2018 Parents Evening. The parents evening which was arranged for Thursday the 13th of October which was cancelled due to the school closure as a result of flooding has been rearranged for Monday the 31st of October at 6.30pm in the Assembly Hall. Pupils who have already returned slips to Mr Rhodes do not need to complete a slip for the new date. However if you require a letter about this revised date please see a member of staff at pupil reception for a copy.
World Challenge Information Night *REVISED DATE: Monday 31st October @ 6.30pm
World Challenge Information Night *REVISED DATE: Monday 31st October @ 6.30pm
ACTIVE GIRLS DAY FRI 28th OCTOBER 2016 2 FREE SESSIONS If you would like to take part Please sign up in the dinner hall on Monday 24th October Lunchtime Get involved here and tweet your pictures @sportscotland #ActiveGirlsDay #ActiveGirls Activities: Trampolining Dance Hockey Tonezone Aqua-fit Netball Football Gymnastics S1-S6 12.45pm - 3pm 2 FREE SESSIONS (45 mins per session)
School Christmas Fair Thursday 24th November If any School Group/Department are interested in booking a table at this years Christmas Fair please give details to the School Office as soon as possible. Donation of Tombola prizes would also be greatly appreciated.
Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 28 October 2016 Students who wish to participate in the Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 28 October are asked to pay £1 to come to school casually dressed. Students who do not wish to participate should come to school wearing school uniform. Monies collected will be split – Two thirds donated to charity whilst the remaining one third will go to the School Fund. This is a normal Learning and Teaching day, please remember to bring your school bag and all equipment eg PE kit.
Calling all S6!! Interested in buying a yearbook? A deposit of £5 must be in by the 31st October. People will be coming round in committee class/registration to collect money after the October break.
Job Vacancy Information Are you looking for a part time or full time job? Skills Development Scotland has a local website, which is updated daily, with information on job vacancies. Visit Among jobs currently advertised are the following: - Christmas sales jobs with NEXT and with Topshop/Topman in Edinburgh. A full time Team Member job with Greggs in Bonnyrigg Modern Apprenticeships with QA training in Admin and IT Modern Apprenticeship in Childcare with Carousel Training, IT Operations Modern Apprenticeship with Standard Life, Part time and full time jobs with Lidl in Penicuik and Dalkeith 11 October 2016
Physics Revision Clubs Calculations a catastrophe? Definitions a disaster? Struggling with strategies for revision? Then revision club is for you!!! Physics Revision Club will run every week on a Tuesday lunchtime in Rm124 for Higher/Advanced Higher and a Thursday lunchtime in Rm121 for S3/National 4/National 5 Come along to get help with Homework, Revision techniques, Consolidating understanding or if you have any questions about your Physics work at all!
TRANSFORMING & SAVING LIVES Beyond the theory. TRANSFORMING & SAVING LIVES Think nursing is just for women? Think again. Men into Nursing & Midwifery Open Morning Saturday 29 October 2016 at Sighthill Campus 9.30am – 1pm Come along to find out more Edinburgh Napier University welcomes school leavers and adults from all backgrounds. The event will provide an opportunity to explore pathways and careers into this vital and challenging life saving profession. You can register attendance online at:
Are you interested in finding a part time job? Fort Kinnaird Recruitment and Skills Centre is now recruiting for temporary jobs available throughout Edinburgh in the months leading up to Christmas. View vacancies at or call at the Recruitment and Skills Centre for help and advice on making job applications. Recruitment and Skills Centre 31 Fleming House, Fort Kinnaird (next to PC World) Open 10am to 4pm - Monday 19 September to Friday 18 November