Mazda The first commercial is Mazda3 ( It’s brilliant that it uses zodiac sign since there is a large mass of.


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Presentation transcript:

Mazda The first commercial is Mazda3 ( It’s brilliant that it uses zodiac sign since there is a large mass of people taking zodiac sign as principle of their behavior. This commercial combines each zodiac sign with their new Mazda 3 with different slogans featuring in each zodiac sign. And the final slogan is”天生驕傲,各有不凡”. By this slogan, I think it tries to attract different group of people with different zodiac sign.

信義房屋 Next commercial is from 信義房屋 ( This commercial takes the experience of different stage of falling love that is almost experienced by everyone as their strategy. In the end of the commercial, by taking her to the company, it connects “他想把一輩子的幸福都給你” with their company slogan, “信任,帶來新幸福”.

Payeasy Next is from an online shopping firm, Payeasy ( Lied “next time” several times by boyfriend, finally she acts herself. With the final slogan,”期待下一次,不如靠自己”, it preaches the middle class women to purchase.

Payeasy Also the commercial from Payeasy (, this time it combines the love and the depression. By display several scenes of behavior from considerable girlfriend, it shows its goal of staying at home in the last scene. By the slogan, “用愛打敗不景氣”, undoubtedly, it just wants you to shop at home through their website.

FedEx Last is an interest commercial from FedEx ( It takes place at the most expansive economics, China. With a vast territory and numerous populations, this commercial just uses a part of it. With the plot and the slogan, “在中國,有超過8800萬人姓張”, is contrast of the delivery and the slogan, “FedEx,使命必達”, this commercial must attract entrepreneurs now.