LHC Status and Prospects


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Presentation transcript:

LHC Status and Prospects HCP 2011 Paris, November 17, 2011 Sergio Bertolucci Cern 1

Excellent news from LHC commissioning: Excellent single beam lifetime Ramp & squeeze essentially without loss No quenches with beam above 450 GeV Excellent performance of Machine Protection Optics close to model (and correctable) Excellent reproducibility Aperture bigger then expected Better than nominal from injectors Emittances, bunch intensity Beam-beam: can collide >> nominal bunch currents With smaller that nominal emittances And still going…

Peak luminosity 2011 3.65 x 1033 2010

…and integrated luminosity 2011 2011 Goal

Pile-Up Pile Up 20 vertices The number of reconstructed vertices after the August Technical Stop increased by factor 1.5 (β*=1.5m 1m ) Fills start with ~15 pile-up interactions Vertex reconstruction still quite linear with luminosity Total inelastic cross section also has been measured from pile-up σinel(pp)= 68.0 ± 2.0 (Syst) ± 2.4 (Lum) ± 4 (Extrap.) mb. before after Averaged over fills. Nrec~ 0.7 x Npu

Pile-up Experiment (trigger, detector, reconstruction, ..) is coping well with larger than expected at this stage and increasing pile-up. Today: average over a fill is ~12 interactions/x-ing (was ~ 6 in Spring), with tails up to ~20 Pile-up could increase by up to ~2 in 2012 Z  μμ event with 20 reconstructed vertices (ellipses have 20 σ size for visibility reasons)

Isolated Muon PT > 12 GeV & Hadronic Tau ET > 20 GeV trigger HLT Performance Deployed menus to cope with luminosity >5E33. Increased complexity of trigger algorithms Over 200 multi-object triggers including tau and b-jet triggers, in addition to single object triggers for electrons, photons, muons, jets, total energy, & missing transverse energy (400 total paths) The HLT is performing very well in the high luminosity environment. Isolated Muon PT > 12 GeV & Hadronic Tau ET > 20 GeV trigger TAU + MUON

The GRID at the end of October ~.5 million jobs in parallel!

The predictable future: LHC Time-line 2009 Start of LHC Run 1: 7 TeV centre of mass energy, luminosity ramping up to few 1033 cm-2 s-1, few fb-1 delivered LHC shut-down to prepare machine for design energy and nominal luminosity 2013/14 Run 2: Ramp up luminosity to nominal (1034 cm-2 s-1), ~50 to 100 fb-1 2017 or 18 Injector and LHC Phase-I upgrades to go to ultimate luminosity Run 3: Ramp up luminosity to 2.2 x nominal, reaching ~100 fb-1 / year accumulate few hundred fb-1 Phase-II: High-luminosity LHC. New focussing magnets and CRAB cavities for very high luminosity with levelling ~2021/22 Run 4: Collect data until > 3000 fb-1 2030 ILC, High energy LHC, ... ?

…and the corresponding experiments timeline LHC schedule harmonized/agreed with the experiments Consolidation/incremental upgrades in 2012-2013, getting more substantial in 2017/2018 (major upgrade for LHCb in 2018) Major upgrades in 2021-22 Upgrade proposals submitted/in submission to the LHCC Working the schedule backwards, and considering realistic construction and commissioning times, all experiments are already on a very tight timeline for R&D and final choices!

LHC 2012- parameter choice To maximize L: Many bunches (k) k = number of bunches = 2808 N = no. protons per bunch = 1.15×1011 f = revolution frequency = 11.25 kHz s*x,s*y = beam sizes at collision point (hor./vert.) = 16 mm To maximize L: Many bunches (k) Many protons per bunch (N) A small beam size s*u = (b *e)1/2 b * : the beam envelope (optics) e : is the phase space volume occupied by the beam (constant along the ring). High beam “brillance” N/e (particles per phase space volume)  Injector chain performance ! Small envelope  Strong focusing ! Optics property Beam property

LHC in 2012 Machine parameters: Which energy ? (3.5 TeV, 4 TeV) Which bunch spacing ? (50ns, 25ns) which beta* in IP1/5 ? (0.7m, 1m ?)   * crossing angle, geometric factor, operational efficiency (tight collimator settings!) which beta* in IP8 ?   * lumi leveling, inclined crossing (how to do leveling ?!), polarity reversal Satellites collision in IP2

LHC in 2012, cont. Physics conditions: Pile-up Sat-main scheme => any issue ? Background limitations ? Physics goals per expt: what will be the priorities ? what required integrated luminosity ? impact of energy choice, 3.5 or 4 Tev ? luminosity calibration …..

LHC in 2012, cont. First discussion on LMC on November 26 Preparing 2012 First discussion on LMC on November 26 ..to be followed by an LHC meeting in Evian December 12-14 …and finalized in Chamonix in February 2012

2011-2013: deciding years…. LHC and Tevatron results Experimental data will take the floor to drive the field to the next steps: LHC and Tevatron results q13 (T2K, DChooz, etc..) n masses/nature (Cuore, Gerda, Nemo…) Dark Matter searches Sky surveys (Fermi, Planck…..) …. ...not to talk about the speedy n!

HiLumiLHC and HiEnLHC High Luminosity LHC program in full swing High Energy LHC R&D started

HE-LHC – LHC modifications 2030? SPS+, 1.3 TeV, 2030? 2-GeV Booster Linac4 July 23, 2011 S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble

S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble High Energy-LHC (HE-LHC) CERN working group since April 2010 EuCARD AccNet workshop HE-LHC’10 , 14-16 October 2010, Proc. CERN-2011-003 key topics beam energy 16.5 TeV; 20-T magnets cryogenics: synchrotron-radiation heat radiation damping & emittance control vacuum system: synchrotron radiation new injector: energy > 1 TeV parameters E. Todesco hybrid magnet LHC HE-LHC beam energy [TeV] 7 16.5 dipole field [T] 8.33 20 dipole coil aperture [mm] 56 40 #bunches 2808 1404 IP beta function [m] 0.55 1 (x), 0.43 (y) number of IPs 3 2 beam current [A] 0.584 0.328 SR power per ring [kW] 3.6 65.7 arc SR heat load dW/ds [W/m/ap] 0.21 2.8 peak luminosity [1034 cm-2s-1] 1.0 2.0 events per crossing 19 76 July 23, 2011 S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble

HE-LHC – main issues and R&D high-field 20-T dipole magnets based on Nb3Sn, Nb3Al, and HTS high-gradient quadrupole magnets for arc and IR fast cycling SC magnets for 1-TeV injector emittance control in regime of strong SR damping and IBS cryogenic handling of SR heat load (first analysis; looks manageable) dynamic vacuum July 23, 2011 S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble

In summary We are just at the beginning of a magnificent scientific adventure… …and the prospects are looking very good.

…and the corresponding experiments timeline

Not yet in this condition… Murayama, ICFA Seminar, 2011 CERN

2012 is poised to be a fantastic year! Thank you!