Honour Tradition - Embrace Change Remarks by C.A. Gracey on behalf of the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Regina, SK 08/12/09
ALMA’s Logo ALMA Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd.
ALMA’s Mission Statement To act as a catalyst to open doors and revitalize Alberta’s livestock and meat industry. To build a strong and sustainable future for all members of the livestock and meat industry.
ALMA Supporting Industry to Grow Food for the World “Exploiting our Unique Selling Proposals” tactics for strategy deployment think tank action catalyst Define and communicate vision & winning strategy Investment in assets that drive U.S.P. and strategic advantage Increased profitability flowing from assets leveraged to: 1 - beneficial access 2 - growing demand 3 - competitiveness 4 - information advantage Customer and consumer identification with U.S.P Highest "Ranking" Proposals Industry advice Alignment with industry Industry measures of success “To become an internationally respected, competitive and profitable Alberta livestock & meat industry”
Cattle and Beef Exports - 2008 Industry Productive Capacity 1,821,210 Tonnes (carcass Wt Basis) to USA – Feeder 116,000 MT 6.4% to USA – Fed 324,680 MT 17.8% to USA – Product 385,450 MT 19.7% Sub Total USA 43.9%
Cattle and Beef Exports – 2008 (continued) Mexico - 68,000 MT 3.8% Asia - 53,000 MT 2.8% Domestic use - 785,550 MT 43.1% Fed in U.S. 6.4% TOTAL 100%
2009 Funding Areas International Market Development $6 Million Value Added Market Development $2 Million Industry Development $5 Million On-Farm Technology Adaptation Research and Development