AcDv B61: Accelerated Reading Week 2, Day 2 Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak Fall 2016 AcDv B61: Accelerated Reading Week 2, Day 2
Journal Entry #1 What is your earliest reading or writing memory? Who taught you how to read? To write? Did you learn at school or at home? Do you have a favorite early book from childhood? If so, why? If not, can you remember any books you didn’t enjoy? Why?
Are you ready to pass this class? Locus of Control Are you ready to pass this class?
Locus of Control The extent to which someone believes he or she can control the events in his or her life.
Internal Locus of Control Individuals are responsible for their own success Outcomes are determined by hard work, decisions, and personal attributes Personality traits Take personal responsibility Will take calculated risks Are more independent/less swayed by others Are proactive and reflective Are more successful
External Locus of Control Outcomes are determined by external forces, like fate, chance, or luck, and are not impacted by hard work or decisions. Personal traits Blame others Make excuses Give up easily Feel helpless
Locus of Control
Are you in charge of your success? I asked you to complete the “Locus of Control Activity as homework” For each statement, you put an X beside the phrase you believed to be most accurate. Then, you totaled your points to get your results.
Locus of Control Scores 0-10 Very strong external locus of control 15-25 Moderate external locus of control 30-40 Both internal and external locus of control 50-60 Moderate internal locus of control 65-75 Very Strong internal locus of control
Your locus of control can change Set goals and hold yourself accountable Recognize that your success is a direct result of your choices and actions. Doing nothing is still a choice! Practice positive self-talk Surround yourself with people who support your ambitions
Locus of Control Activity Divide into groups of three Each group will receive one common excuse made by students. The excuse illustrates an external locus of control. In your group, determine how someone with internal locus of control would describe or handle the situation differently.
The Reading Process Prereading Reading Postreading
The Reading Process
Prereading Prereading: The processes that readers use as they prepare to read a new text. It involves surveying the text and considering what they know about the topic and the text itself, including its purpose, content, author, form, and language.
Prereading enables you to… develop a purpose and plan for reading Why Do It? Prereading enables you to… develop a purpose and plan for reading anticipate what the text will discuss establish a framework for understanding the text when they begin reading.
Textbook Pre-Reading Assignment Select a textbook from another course you are taking at BC. Then, complete the following: Research the author(s): Who are they? What is their educational background? Survey the book: When was it first published? Are there multiple editions? What edition are you using? How many pages and chapters? Interview your professor: Ask your professor why he or she selected the textbook. Due: Wed., Sept. 7th by the start of class to
Reading The reading process involves using the knowledge developed during prereading to understand the text and to confirm, refine, or refute the predictions that the reader has made about the text.
Reading: Two Processes Reading “With the Grain” or “Playing the Believing Game” Believe the author without question Reading “Against the Grain” or “Playing the Doubting Game” Question the author’s claims
Types of Reading Comprehension Literal Inferential Critical
Literal Reading Comprehension What the author is saying directly
Literal Reading Activities What words state the main idea of the story? Outlining the first paragraph of the work. What happened first, second and last? Summarize the text.
Examples of Literal Questions What does Dr. Beeman say is the true purpose of higher education? According to Dr. Beeman, what is the “American way”?
What is being said indirectly Inferential Reading What is being said indirectly Or, what can you infer from the author’s words?
Inferential Reading Activities What does the author value? What is the theme? What effect does this character/event have on the story? How do you think this story will end?
Example Inferential Questions What does Dr. Beeman value? What does Dr. Beeman hope students will do after reading his article?
Advanced-level reading comprehension The reader assesses the author Critical Reading Advanced-level reading comprehension The reader assesses the author Considers bias, accuracy, clarity, rhetorical strategy, support
Critical Reading ACtivities Could this possibly happen? Is this argument logical? What alternatives are there? Is this a fact or an opinion? Do you agree or disagree with the author? What is the best solution to this problem?
Example Critical Question Do you agree or disagree with Professor Beeman that students entering BC will end up failing because they don’t realize the purpose of higher education?
Engage in all three levels of reading comprehension Effective Readers Engage in all three levels of reading comprehension
Postreading Postreading describes the process that readers follow once they have read and reread a text.
Postreading Examples Summarize the Text Restate the Central Themes or Arguments Respond to the Author’s Perspective Question the text Identify the rhetorical strategies Evaluate the text’s arguments and evidence Consider how the text fits into the larger conversation
In the Pearson Custom Mercury Reader: Reading Homework In the Pearson Custom Mercury Reader: Read and complete all activities in Chapter 1 “Using Context Clues” and Chapter 2 “Understanding Paragraphs: Topics and Main Ideas” Come in ready to ask questions about the assignment