Welcome to 3rd grade open house! Ms. Wiles Welcome to 3rd grade open house! Mrs. Eckman Ms. Riley Ms. Bundick
Reading counts This year we will be using a program called Reading Counts. Reading Counts is a system that levels books and allows children to take reading comprehension tests. Reading Counts will be tracked by month- Each month your child will be required to read at home for a specific amount of minutes. In addition, they will record their readings on the Reading Log which is due at the end of each week.
Reading counts prizes Level Points Reward Platinum level 101+ Lunch with Mrs. Conway and a book Diamond 75-100 Ice Cream with their teacher and a book Gold 50-74 Chick-fil-A card and a book Silver 25-49 A Hawner Buck Bronze 1-24 Treasure Box and a book
Fun day Friday Reading goals Students should be reading a minimum of 100 pages per month; however we encourage students to go above and beyond these expectations. Students who reach the goal will be allowed to participate in a Fun Day Friday each month. There will be an additional reward for the student who reads the most pages for the month!
Reading and writing activities Homework: Read 20 minutes Each night Reading and writing activities We have been learning how to: Write juicy sentences, find the main idea of a story, identify character traits and context clues, use a Venn-diagram to compare and contrast.
Math We have been working on estimating and rounding and then finding perimeter of shapes!
Science So far this year, students have learned about the scientific method, the sun and stars as well as gravity! Our Science Fusion curriculum has many fun inquiry activities!