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Presentation transcript:

ARTEMIS-IA SPRING EVENT SRA 2011 ARTEMIS-IA SPRING EVENT 2001–03-02 Nürnberg Germany Press Conference Jan Lohstroh Secretary General ARTEMIS Industry Association ARTEMIS Industry Association The association for R&D actors in embedded systems

ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking FP7/8 Upstream ICT collab. R&D ERC Marie Curie Research infrastr. ARTEMIS-JU Up and Downstream MASP/RA [yearly] AWP [yearly] Call document [yearly] National contracts EC co-funding ARTEMIS SRA 2011* (update from SRA 2006) by ARTEMIS Industry Association [incorporating ARTEMIS-ETP] Industry-driven pan-European Vision/Mission/Strategy National / Regional Programmes EUREKA Downstream ITEA 2, MEDEA+ Since 2008 * Endorsed by ARTEMIS-IA GA on 2011 March 2; 60 pages text

From SRA 2006 to SRA 2011 The move Technical Societal While SRA 2006 prediction has proven correct, the impact of networking ES provides new opportunities Societal More and more smart solutions for key societal challenges: healthcare, transportation, cities, …. The impact of networking Embedded Systems become the Neural System of Society Societal Challenges an overarching concept to drive the European Competitiveness

The SRA 2011 Content The Rationale Societal Challenges Drive European Competitiveness Vision, high level targets & Strategy Research Priorities & Technical Challenges Preparing the Future Make it happen

The Rationale Embedded Systems are the society Nervous System Embedded Systems are Everywhere pervading all market sectors Greater public awareness about ES are raising expectations and concerns Embedded Systems market growth is over 10% Higher systems complexity due to growing applications sharing networks Semantic interoperability is needed so users may use different languages of different domains and legacies Embedded systems technology are contributing in creating smart environment for increased intelligence, better services, and enhanced productivity

Societal Challenges drive the European Competitiveness Inverted demographic curves Non-renewable natural resources needs Constant improvement of quality of life Climate change Always connected need Adding intelligence to all kind of objects …… Health and Well being Green safe & Supportive transportation Smart buildings and communities of the future Societal challenges largely depends on technological support technological support depends on embedded systems technology and communication Embedded Systems are the Nervous System of Society

Societal Challenges drive the European Competitiveness

Achieve a paradigm change : big impact and quick to market ARTEMIS Strategy The HORIZONTALISATION to overcome the fragmentation, while mastering the complexity, for yielding multi-domain reusable results A new three dimensions approach to achieve multi-domain compatibility, for cross-domain approach to support a variety of applications, services as solutions for societal challenges Achieve a paradigm change : big impact and quick to market

ARTEMIS Research Priorities Technology domains and challenges Major topics * Open Internet Robustness, autonomy and mixed critical systems Embedded System Architecture System design and systems of systems Heterogeneous parallel systems Design for safety Energy and power Certification for mixed criticality and modular certification Cloud computing From syntactic to semantic interoperation *(selected from the document)

MAKE IT HAPPEN The differentiators ARTEMIS Repository : Collect and host “open ” results repository to act as source of key enablers for a real dynamics for innovation Continuously measure the impact of the funding programs and ensure that the achieved results are used as inputs for new ideas, projects, and products. Centres of Innovation Excellence Focus on a small number of systems oriented CoIE of multi-disciplinary nature to pursue implementation of industrial research visions and mobilise critical mass Continue to build on regional clusters to integrated them to ARTEMIS innovation environment. Facilitate the transformation of research results into industrial development WG CoIE 2 WG CoIE 1 CoIE 3

MAKE IT HAPPEN The differentiators Standards for Embedded Systems Promote standardisation to support innovation and foster cross-sectoral approach for development of a new standard, harmonisation of existing standards. Tool platforms Improve the productivity by investing in specific methods, tools and processes which enable fast and low-cost development trustable, interoperable tools from reliable sources with assured long-term support linked via the platforms into viable solutions as part of a complete chain WG WG

MAKE IT HAPPEN The differentiators Education and training SME Support To facilitate productive engagement of industry and academia to match the rapid evolution of technologies SME Support Help SMEs to play a key role and better participate in the ARTEMIS eco-system model Industry-Academia Collaboration Increase quantity and quality of skills and competences of ES in Europe by combining several disciplines and make Europe an attractive workplace for foreign experts to come, and link to the EIT ICT Labs Research infrastructures Regulation, safety, security and digital trust certification Develop awareness regarding regulations and their impact Intellectual property management Open Innovation and open source policy International Cooperation WG WG

SRA 2011 Launch Symposium May 18 in Brussels for: Commission and Public Authorities of Member States Members of European Parliament ARTEMIS-IA member organizations Other JU’s and ETP’s Press

Thank you for your attention! ARTEMIS Industry Association