Forensic Science International


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Presentation transcript:

Forensic Science International Evaluation of automated and manual DNA purification methods for detecting Ricinus communis DNA during ricin investigations  Anne S. Hutchins, Michael J. Astwood, J. Royden Saah, Pierre A. Michel, Bruce R. Newton, Leslie A. Dauphin  Forensic Science International  Volume 236, Pages 10-15 (March 2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.011 Copyright © 2013 Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Scatter plot showing the real-time PCR results for detection of R. communis DNA recovered from crude ricin extracts (neat), and ten-fold and 100-fold dilutions of the ricin extracts in PBS. DNA purification was performed in triplicate on ricin extracts at each dilution using the MasterPure kit (×), the QIAamp kit (▴), the MagNA Pure Compact instrument (■) and the MagNA Pure LC instrument (♦). The data were plotted as the average CT values [(mean±standard deviation); (n=9)] versus the dilution of ricin extracts. Forensic Science International 2014 236, 10-15DOI: (10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.011) Copyright © 2013 Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 Scatter plots showing the real-time PCR results for detection of R. communis DNA recovered from baking soda samples (A) and flour samples (B) spiked with crude ricin extracts (neat) and a ten-fold dilution of the ricin extracts in PBS. DNA purification was performed in triplicate on powder extracts using the MasterPure kit (×), the QIAamp kit (▴), the MagNA Pure Compact instrument (■) and the MagNA Pure LC instrument (♦). For both types of powder, the data were plotted as the average CT values [(mean±standard deviation); (n=9)] versus the spiking dilution of ricin extracts. Forensic Science International 2014 236, 10-15DOI: (10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.011) Copyright © 2013 Terms and Conditions