Marisa Passafiume Manhattan College Assessing Student Success Initiatives to Drive Campus Retention Efforts Marisa Passafiume Manhattan College
Student Success Initiatives -Tutoring & Supplemental Instruction -English language instruction -Early Alert/ System of referrals -Opportunity Programs -Advising for student athletes -Support for students with learning differences Student success initiatives that have great impact on our ability to retain students: Academic success initiatives, Early Alerts (academically & socially), quality of our interventions
What do we want to assess? Approach this as a TEAM What is it you want to show/prove to your stakeholders? Quantitative……AND qualitative Keep is simple Come full circle (it starts with your annual goals, and ends with your annual report) Thinking 3 years out……
Every assessment goal should…. Be tied to student learning Be tied to student satisfaction Support retention
The “HOW TO”…..
Assessing academic support services Quantitative – MACRO Quantitative - MICRO #of unique students accessing academic support (tutoring, SI, ELI, Peer Academic Coaching) every semester #of tutoring sessions facilitated every semester SI attendance Specific course DFWI rates Individual students grades (pre/post mid-term) Students on academic probation semester to semester DFWI rates (by course & faculty *remain consistent*) Grade distribution by student
Assessing Academic Support Services: Qualitative Student satisfaction (surveys) MAPworks (student survey)
Goal #2: Ensure the seamless transition to the new CAS and in doing so improve student success, retention, and satisfaction.
Goal #2: Measure 1 Measure #1: Facilitation of pre-Fall 2016 training for all CAS Staff Summary of finding: The CAS organized and executed a pre-Fall 2016 training for all new and returning student employees on August 26, 2016. Action plan in response: We will continue to facilitate pre-Fall semester trainings for all new and returning staff and revisit training day content. Determination of completion: MET Documentation: Fall 2016 Training Day Agenda [attached] Documentation: Training Day Attendance Payroll Report FA16 [attached] Documentation: Training Day FA16 Group Photograph [attached]
Goal #2: Measure 2 Measure #2: Monitor Academic Coaching attendance through our online learning management software, Accudemia Summary of finding: The CAS consistently used Accudemia software to track student attendance for Academic Coaching during the 2016-2017 academic year. We exceeded our "expected result" of increasing traffic to 50 students; 98 unique students utilized the Academic Coaching service this year. Action plan in response: We will continue to use Accudemia to track student attendance for Academic Coaching and we will use this traffic data to drive programmatic decisions. Determination of completion: EXCEEDED Documentation: Accudemia report - Academic Coaching 2016-2017 [attached]
Goal #2: Measure 3 Measure #3: Monitor tutoring attendance through our online learning management software, Accudemia Summary of finding: During the 2016-2017 academic year, we consistently used our Accudemia software to track student attendance for tutoring in the Learning Commons, Writing Center, and Leo Learning Center. We exceeded our “expected result” of increasing traffic to 750 students; 893 unique students utilized CAS tutoring services this year. Action plan in response: While satisfied with completion of the goal, we plan to pilot the mobile app, TuLI, to make tutoring appointments even more accessible to the student body. Determination of Completion: EXCEEDED Documentation: Accudemia Report - Total Students Tutored 1617AY [attached]
Goal #2: Measure 4 Measure #4: SI partnered courses had DFWI rates of 25% or below Summary of finding: The average DFWI rate amongst courses that participated in SI were all below 25%. Although, certain individual sections with particular faculty in PHYS were above the 25% rate with high 'W' frequencies. Certain individual sections of courses in BIOL 112 saw DFWI rates so low that they probably do not warrant continued SI service. Action plan in response: We will continue partnerships in courses with DFWI rates over 15% and reevaluate partnerships in courses with DFWI rates lower than 15%. We expect that with upcoming changes to the PHYS faculty that individual section DFWI rates will decline. Determination of Completion: MET Documentation: SI DFWI Analysis Spreadsheet PHYS 101 [attached] PHYS 102 [attached] BIOL 112 [attached] MATH 186 [attached] CHEM 102 [attached] HIST 150 [attached] HIST 152 [attached]
Attachment example: Individual Student Analysis (pre & post referral)
Attachment example: Survey results…the good, the bad, the truth!
Attachment example: Grade Distribution by Course (MICRO)
MAPworks Early Alert Referrals Systemic- Campus wide! The algorithm Our focus on the color!
Retention Freshman to Sophomore Commuter vs. Residential First generation PELL recipients Underserved populations
Parting thoughts…. The process is as important as the product TEAM approach The vision! Don’t be afraid of “bad data”