6 Main Treaties – (Since Rome) Single European Act 1986 – completed that last week Maastricht in 1992 Amsterdam 1997 Nice 2000 Copenhagen 2002 Lisbon 2007
Maastricht 1992 Purpose Amended Rome Advanced SEA Deeper political union 3 pillars (economic foreign affairs home affairs) Official creation of EU Began EMU
Contents Widen responsibility and deepen integration thus using supranational structure in some areas (Parliament) Using intergovernmental in others (common foreign and home affairs policy) Commission = economic Council controlled other pillars BUT all still linked via EU Introduced co-decision Social Chapter for employment and social issues (UK opted out)
Issues? What issues do you foresee arising here? What actual issues arose? Was it a successful Treaty?
Amsterdam 1997 Purpose Another tidy up of Rome and loose ends of Maastricht Change role of Council of EU Implamented Schengen Greater role of EU in home affairs More Supranational over intergovernmental
Contents Accession process for the 10 new states 12 states applied Schengen Greater role for Common Foreign Security Policy New High Representative for EU foreign affiars More powers for Europol Expanded the decisions used for QMV Commission more say over Justice and Home Affiairs Enhanced co-operation procedure on issues outside of Treaties
Issues What were the issues that arose? What was the difference between the issues that were faced by smaller states/larger states/ pro Europeans / Eurosceptics Evaluate the success of this Treaty
Nice 2000 Purpose Steps forward for integration Preparation for enlargement Discussion over intergovernmental v supranational models
Contents – took 330 hours to negotiate Reforming decision making in EU Extended QMV Removal of veto from 39 areas New President of Commission to Parliament with power to sack ind comms Limits on no of comms (once reached 27 states) and MEPs More QMV weight to large countries Stronger Common Foreighn Sec Policy
Issues and effectiveness? The present generation should lay the final brick in the edifice of Europe. This is our task and we ought to get down to it – Tony Blair 2000 Does the above quote accord to the views of the Labour Party, Conservative Party, Lib Dems, British people, media?
Copenhagen 2002 Not really a full blown treaty… Purpose Sought to define the rules for countries wishing to join the EU Conditions of democracy, respect for human rights, economic stability, will to become part of a closer union
Contents Will to have secret democratic ballot A free press Judges free from executive power Freedom of opinions Rule of law Subscribe to the United Dec Hum Rights and ECHR Respect for national ethnic minorities Must be market economy and commit to Eurozone
Complications / issues What were the issues that surrounded this criteria Which countries were candidates? Which ones from the list are still candidates?