Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) Sungworn Ngudgratoke
Where is STOU? STOU is located in the Nonthaburi Province which is next to Bangkok in the north 47 Km from Suwannabhumi Airport and about 30 min. by car 10 minutes from Don Muang Airport STOU
Major Functions STOU has Responsibilities mandated by the Commission of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Teaching Research Providing services to social Maintaining Thai culture, art University and Faculty effectiveness are evaluated by these functions
Enrollment in 2011 (2nd semester)
19 MOU with universities in Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and USA
10 Regional Centers Classroom Teaching for graduate students Library Admission and Registration
Instruction Delivery system Undergraduate (No more than 3 courses per semester) Printed materials Television programs CD, DVD Classroom instructions (optional) E-learning (some courses) Graduate (No more than 2 courses per semester) CD/DVD Classroom instruction (Required) : 2-3 meeting E-learning
Assessment system Grading is judged by final exam. But additional assignment completions may be required by some courses. Final exam employs multiple-choice item tests, but some schools such as Law school uses both MC tests and essay tests. Some students take final exam through an e-assessment system. Graduate courses use a variety of assessment methods including course projects, presentation, and final examination. Final exam uses essay t Students take the exam on Saturday and Sunday More than 100 test centers throughout the country. Some high schools are selected to be our test centers and high school teachers are test proctors.
Future International Conference at STOU 57th World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) will be held at STOU on July 16-19, 2013
A comparative study on research productivity between KNOU and STOU
Research Institute of KNOU and STOU Institute of Distance Education (IDE) of KNOU Policy research & General research Institute of Research and Development (IRD) of KNOU Research in distance education & General research There are 13 researchers and 19 staff There are six divisions: secretary, research development and dissemination, research coordination, distance education research, institutional research, and special research service
Number of research at IRD Year source 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 total STOU revenue 5 8 15 14 12 64 STOU Distance Education grant 4 6 10 25 22 37 110 Thai Government grant 9 2 11 55 STOU society service grant 72 Total 26 38 28 40 57 52 60 301
Introduction Research productivity is one of major outcomes of higher education organizations. It is an indicator of university quality and reflects quality of faculty. One of the important and significant issues related to research productivity is to identify factors that cause faculty conduct research and make publication.
Introduction Several theories are developed to explain human behaviors (e.g. conducting research). This study employs the theory of planed behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) to predict research productivity of KNOU and STOU faculty.
Objectives To examine policy and contextual factors that have potentials to strengthen research productivity of STOU and KNOU. To develop a model of research productivity of STOU and KNOU faculty using the theory of planned behavior.
Conceptual Model Attitude Norms Intention productivity Perceived behavior control Intention productivity
Instrument and Sample The survey is conducted by using a 7-point rating scale IDE research report and research summary Today, 40 and 3 surveys are completed by STOU and KNOU faculty, respectively.
Measurement Attitude (6 items, reliability=0.94) “the degree of a faculty ’s favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of behavior in question Subjective norms (4 items, reliability=0.91) the perceived social pressure to conduct research and publications. Perceived behavioral control (7 items, reliability=0.86 faculty’ perception of ease or difficulty in conducting research and in making publications Intention (4 items, reliability=0.90) faculty’ intention to do research and make publications Research productivity (6 items, reliability=0.68) measured by a total number of research and publication.
Data analysis Content analysis Structural equation modeling
Descriptive statistics Variables N Mean Std. Deviation ATTITUDE STOU 43 4.78 1.43 KNOU 3 4.44 0.38 SNORM 3.95 4.33 PBC 4.18 1.13 4.05 0.81 INTENTION 4.27 1.15 3.52 0.78 Resproduct 49.26 9.69 60.57 9.85
Results 2=1.08, df=2, p=0.58, RMSEA=0.00, GFI=.991, AGFI=.929