Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you wish to remove the closed captions, you must install the Subtitling Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint (STAMP). You can download the add-in from addin/files/Latest%20Version/ Once you install the add-in, to turn the captions off: Locate a slide that contains a video and click the video. The Playback contextual tab appears on the top of the window. If you don’t click the video, the Playback tab won’t be visible. On the Playback tab, click Hide. Go to the next slide and repeat until you’ve hidden the captions all slides or for any of the videos with captions you wish to hide. Note that if you save the file, the captions will stay hidden when you re-open the presentation. To show the captions again, repeat steps 1-3, but click Show in step 2. If you click Remove during step 2, the captions will be permanently removed from the video. Download the PowerPoint viewer at (
Before you begin If a yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, click Enable Editing. You need PowerPoint 2010 to view this presentation. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer (see the URL in the notes pane). Download the PowerPoint viewer at (
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Training [Notes to trainer: This presentation must be viewed in PowerPoint 2010. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. To browse other downloadable [Product Name] training presentations, see the “Download Office 2010 training” page ( For detailed help in customizing this template, see the very last slide. Also, look for additional lesson text in the notes pane of some slides.] Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Course contents Overview: Embed or link to videos Lesson: Includes 6 instructional movies Quick Reference Card Insert video into a presentation
Overview: Add video to a presentation Insert your videos into PowerPoint 2010: embed them, link them, or insert them from a website like YouTube. Plus, learn how to resize a video frame, set playback options, and more. Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Course goals Embed a video into a presentation. Manage file size by linking to a video. Size a video frame. Change the start and end times by trimming the video. Set a video to play full screen. Set a video to play automatically during a slide show. Insert a video from a website, for example, YouTube. Insert video into a presentation
Insert a video from a website (2:36) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] and now I can go back to my PowerPoint presentation and Paste the code I just copied. That’s really all there is to it, and now all I need to do is Insert. Underneath embed, I have a bunch of code and I want to use the old embed code. The code is pulled up from the web site and it is layed out in the middle of our slide. an embed code to display the video in our slide here, this video actually is not embedded in the presentation, So with no more adjustments to be made, let’s go ahead and run this presentation. Now of course I can resize this to make it fit better in my slide and align it any way I choose to. If we go to our slideshow, the video is loaded and ready to play, but is not automatically playing. If I click the Share button, since I don’t want just a link to the video, I suppose I should point out here that just because we’re using a thing called But notice immediately as I scroll down in the window, beneath the video we have the Share button. To start we need to go to the Insert menu and over to our Media section, To do that, you need to insert a video using embed code. Let’s find out how we do that. At some point you may find a video on a web site that you want to use in your presentation. to the Video drop-down list where we choose Video From Web site. or here in the corner and the video plays for us, pulling from YouTube. if I go up and attempt to use the items in my Playback menu, I barely have anything at all. we’re going to pull down a video from YouTube. I’ve already navigated there so we’re just going to pop on over. So let’s go do that. We’ve chosen a site that’s really well set up for this, this is where we will place the embed code that we’re going to get from the website where our video exists. So that’s how we insert a video from a website. Now all I need to do is click the Play button here, So at this point, all I need to do is Copy this information And this pulls up the Insert Video from Web Site dialog box, I’d like to point out as well that with this selected, I want to embed it, I need to click the Embed button. it’s stored on that web site and played from the website. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Quick Reference Card 1 Embed a video In Normal view, click the slide in which you want to embed a video. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click the arrow under Video, and then click Video from file. In the Insert Video dialog box, locate and click the video that you want to embed, and then click Insert. Tip You can also click the Video icon in a content layout to insert a video. Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Quick Reference Card 2 Link to a video On the Slides tab in Normal view, click the slide to which you want to add a video or animated GIF file. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click the arrow under Video. Click Video from File, locate and click the file that you want to link to. On the Insert button, click the down arrow, and then click Link to file. Important To prevent possible problems with broken links, it is a good idea to copy the videos into the same folder as your presentation, and link to them there. Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Quick Reference Card 3 Insert a video from a web site On the Slides tab in Normal view, click the slide to which you want to add a video. In your browser, go to the web site that contains the video that you want to link to, such as YouTube or hulu. On the web site, locate the video, and then locate and copy the Embed code. Note Even though they are called 'embed codes', you’re actually linking to the video, not embedding it in your presentation. Back in PowerPoint, on the Insert tab, in the Media group, click the arrow under Video. Click Video From Web Site. In the Video From Web Site dialog box, paste the embed code, and then click Insert. Insert video into a presentation
Insert video into a presentation Quick Reference Card 4 To see the online version of this Quick Reference card, go to card-RZ102673174.aspx?section=9&mode=print Insert video into a presentation
Using this template Using This Template This Microsoft PowerPoint® template has training content about using videos in Microsoft PowerPoint® 2010. Its content is adapted from the Training course called “Insert video into your presentation.” PowerPoint version: The template must be viewed in PowerPoint 2010. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( Video playback: If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Slide layouts: Each slide has a custom layout. To apply the custom layout to a new slide, right-click the slide thumbnail, point to Layout, and click the layout from the Layout gallery. To alter the layouts, open master view and alter the specific master layout in that view. You can find the layout’s title by pointing to its thumbnail. Animations: Custom animation effects are applied throughout the presentation. These include Float In (Up or Down option), Fade, and Zoom. To alter animation effects, click the Animations tab, and use the Add Animation gallery and Timing options. Effect Options gives you choices about the effect; click Animation Pane on the Animations tab to work with multiple animations. Transitions: One transition, Doors, is used to emphasize sections of the slide show. It’s applied on the Course Contents slide, Lesson slide, and the first test slide. Hyperlinks to online course: The template contains links to the online version of this training course. The links take you to the hands-on practice session for each lesson and to the Quick Reference Card that is published for this course. Please take note: You must have [app] 2010 installed to view the hands-on practice sessions. If you don’t have [app] 2010, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions. Headers and footers: The template contains a footer that has the course title. To add footers such as the date or slide numbers, click the Insert tab, and click Header & Footer. Extracting videos from this file: Read these instructions first, because you’ll have to close this file in order to follow them. To extract the videos from this file, start Windows Explorer and change the filename extension from .pptx to .zip. Confirm the name change, and then open the renamed file. You’ll see a set of folders. The videos are located in the \ppt\media folder. Copy the videos and paste them to your local drive or other convenient location. You’ll probably need to rename the videos, because PowerPoint names them Media1.wmv, and so on. To resume using the presentation, change the filename extension back to .pptx. See the notes pane or view the full notes page (View tab, Notes Page) for detailed help on this template.