The Power of Quick Video Using video to expand teaching and learning opportunities
Introductions Please say your name and department.
Why Video? Differentiates instruction Can provide greater emotional power to content Helps frame instructions and explanations in a cogent narrative Harnesses media outside of traditional education publishing channels When properly edited for time, can deliver much more information than reading alone Video, like text, is a useful medium to deliver instructional content
Types of Video You can produce videos on your own or you can use existing videos on the web
Videos Produced by You Videos produced by you: Talking head: use Tegrity or any other video capture tool to produce introductions or explanations of course materials Worked Example: Use document cameras, annotation tools or screencapure tools (e.g. Jing, Screencast-o-matic, etc.) to provide demonstrations Use quick and easy video capture tools to create your own videos
The “Talking Head” Applications: Introduce course materials or the topic of study for the week Explain a difficult concept Share why you think the topic is meaningful Edit for time Recording a quick video of yourself can be a powerful way to connect with students
Screencapture/ Worked Example Suggested Tools: Document cameras Recording using annotation tools Screencapture tools: Tegrity, Jing, Screencast-o-matic Provide a video demonstration of how to solve a problem or perform an operation
Videos Curated by You Videos curated by you: Spur discussions: upload videos into VoiceThread to start multimedia discussions Quiz for perceptions/comprehension: build questions into videos via Zaption Take videos from the web to start discussions or build quizzes into them
Start a Discussion Applications: Build discussion prompts around video content Allows students to enter their comments at specific intervals within a video, raising questions or objections Use VoiceThread to show a video and then start a multimedia discussion
Quiz Building Applications: Allows you to embed your questions within the video to check for understanding or student perceptions Forces the viewer to stop and think about what was just seen Provides an opportunity to drive home important points Use Zaption to build low- stakes quiz questions to check for comprehension and student impressions
Accessibility/ Fair Use It is important to provide a transcript for videos Fair Use: Before utilizing videos that are available online, make sure applicable Fair Use criteria are met. Using video brings with it accessibility and copyright issues