Heat and Temperature
An atomic crystal lattice of table salt.
The red dots are atoms and the black bands represent chemical bonds. Misconception Warning: Remember, bonds are attractions and aren’t physical objects.
Molecules Move. All molecules have kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can be in the form of: Vibrational energy. Rotational energy. Translational energy where the entire molecule has motion.
The basic forms of kinetic energy of molecules The basic forms of kinetic energy of molecules. (A) Translational motion is the motion of a molecule as a whole moving from place to place. (B) Rotational motion is the motion of a turning molecule. (C) Vibrational motion is the back-and-forth movement of a vibrating molecule.
Chemical bonds are electrical attractions.
Explain this!
Why do power lines sag? Why do bridges have gaps? Why do sidewalks have gaps?
Heating and cooling a solid
Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps.
Temperature Scales.
Temperature and Heat are different.
What has more heat (or heat energy)? A. An iceberg or B. A burning match
Heat involves temperature AND mass!!! The Iceberg. Why? Because an iceberg is much bigger and has more total molecular vibrations than the small match. Heat involves temperature AND mass!!!
Conduction - heat transfer through contact.
Some materials are good conductors while others are good insulators. Conductors transfer energy very efficiently. Insulators transfer energy very inefficiently, This is why wood toilet seats are much more comfortable during the winter than metal ones….OUCH!
This is fiberglass insulation This is fiberglass insulation. It keeps hot air out of your house during the summer. It keeps warm air inside your house during the winter.
Convection – fluids that are heated become less dense and will rise
Radiation – electromagnetic (EM) waves travel through empty space Radiation – electromagnetic (EM) waves travel through empty space. Everything with temperature releases EM waves.
Sources Bloomfield, How Things Work. Tillery, Physical Science.