Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service PowerPoint presentation Deliver customer service Improving customer service This session covers Element 5 - Be able to support improvements to customer service delivery. Referring to the qualification handbook and/or the revision cards will assist you. Explain this is a practical unit where the candidate is required to gather evidence. Explain here we will cover the element from a knowledge and understanding point of view. The learners should have available for discussion later in the session the activities they were asked to complete for today – Workplace Activity 1.5. Ask the learners to suggest reasons why organisations may need to make improvements to the customer service they offer.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Organisations need to continually improve. Change is needed because of a variety of reasons: Changes in customer needs New trends Environmental issues Economic reasons. Explain that the organisation has many reasons for needing to make improvements to the standard of customer service it offers. Change needs to be considered. No organisation will make change just for the sake of doing so. Any change will be considered and will only be done by considering advantages and disadvantages and taking into account customer feedback, sales, levels of complaints etc. Issue Activity 1.5 and ask them to complete it.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Changes in customer needs can include: when customers ask for new ways of purchasing products or services: eg with new technology customers want the ability to make purchases on a 24/7 basis through eg social media customers are now more aware of what the standard of service is from competitors and have higher expectations of what the level of service is they should be offered by an organisation. Discuss changes in customer needs. Usually the discussion is the need to have new products or services to meet customer needs but there also is the need to be aware of the fact people want better customer service. With television, social media and the Internet customers are more aware of the level of customer service that is acceptable and what their rights are. This means an organisation will need to ensure their customer service meets their customer expectations and if not make improvements. Discuss with the group how technology has changed life and how all organisations now need to be aware of its influence.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Customer service may need to change because of trends. Trends can include: new technology which can affect purchasing, ordering or appointment making – this can suit customers who want to be able to do this at times that suit them, anywhere use of new approaches to greet customers or to finish a sale changes to reception areas eg making them more open and people- friendly changes in seating, eg in coffee shops where there are sofas etc. Discuss the trends that have occurred over time that they have noted – again reinforce the fact that customer service is not just about how you deal with people face to face.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Additionally customer service may need to change because of environmental issues, eg people are keen to save the environment and make use of less paper so items like tickets, vouchers can now be accessed and accepted on mobile phones or laptops. Economic issues can also affect customer service, eg when there is a recession organisations need to be leaner but still offer a level of customer service that meets or exceeds that of the competition. In an economic boom people except a higher quality of service which they may be willing to pay for. Discuss with the learners how the environment and the economy can affect the level of customer service offered. Discuss with the learners that fact that organisations do not make changes unless there is a need. Discuss the methods that can be used to get customer feedback – Activity 2.5. Note the answers on a flip chart. Compare their answers with the next slide.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service The standard of customer service being delivered by staff will always be checked. Customer service can be improved by: staff training observation of staff improved procedures use of new methods. Ensure learners are aware that there is still a need to look at the way organisations and their staff deliver customer service be it face to face, by telephone or in writing of some form. This is the main way customers judge the customer service delivered by an organisation as all the other improvements noted are forms of customer service improvements but not often seen as such.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Organisations obtain feedback or information through a variety of methods for example: questionnaires focus groups comment cards complaints sales figures competitors activities. Discuss the groups findings along with the above and ensure they understand organisations will only make change when they have feedback or information that shows it is necessary. They do not make changes on a whim. Discuss when they would use each of them and the type of feedback/information it would give.
Improve customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improve customer service Change can only be successful if it is introduced with care. Change requires the support of others who are involved. Support can be obtained by informing others through: Team meetings Memos Emails Training sessions Management updates Colleagues. Discuss with the group the fact that change can only be successful if those involved are part of it.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Successful introduction of change or improvement requires those involved to be: informed about the change and why trained in its introduction involved in its implementation involved in its evaluation. Discuss why change needs those involved to be part of it. Discuss the need for change to be evaluated and why.
Improving customer service Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Improving customer service Those involved need to be behind change as they will have to implement it. They need to be positive as customers will soon pick up if they are resentful or negative. If staff are not involved in change, it can be difficult to implement easily and its success can be compromised. Staff or other service providers need to have change or improvement discussed with them and they need to be involved as it may be there practices that need to be changed. Discuss the fact that improvements and change may involve service providers as well as staff. Talk about the fact not informing and involving people can have a negative effect especially since some changes may be because of the behaviour of those involved. Discuss how they would feel if they were asked to put in improvements or changes and saw no reason for this to happen and had not been told why it was talking place. Ask if any final questions and then explain you are moving on to the practical part of the unit.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Practical activities Evidence that could be used: observation witness testimony customer records* professional discussion questioning reflective account service offer* customer feedback organisational policies and procedures legal requirements and ethical policies* Discuss with the learners Workplace Activity 1.5 which they should have completed in the workplace. Discuss each of the possible examples of evidence listed here that could be used in their portfolios. Give assistance to the learners about how they can gather the evidence. Explain that they will be given further assistance in another session but that they should now start gathering evidence.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Any questions? Explain the next session will cover portfolio building.