What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 What God Does With Our Sins We can learn what forgiveness is by noting what God does with our sins whey they are forgiven!!! Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Introduction All accountable people sin Rom. 3:23 Rom. 6:23 1 Jn. 1:8, 10 All accountable people sin-and sin has its wages if we do not obtain forgiveness from God Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Introduction We can be forgiven Acts 2:38 1 Jn. 1:7,9 What does God do with our sins? Sin, forgiveness
He Casts Them Behind His Back What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Casts Them Behind His Back Is. 38:17 1 Kings 14:9 Ps. 90:8 cast . . . behind back--consigned my sins to oblivion. The same phrase occurs ( 1Ki 14:9 Neh 9:26 Psa 50:17 ). Contrast Psa 90:8 , "Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance." (JFB commentary) -In Ps. 90:8 we are assured that our sins are known to God-even those done in secret-when we are forgiven these sins are put behind His back----note the contrast of Is. 38:17 and Ps. 90:8!!! Sin, forgiveness
Removes Them From Us As Far As The East Is From The West What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Removes Them From Us As Far As The East Is From The West Ps. 103:12 “And as the east is directly opposite to the west (they cannot stand together), just so has God removed the iniquities of His people away from them (as though there is a great distance between them.” Roy Deaver Sin, forgiveness
He Removes Them From Him Memory Forever What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Removes Them From Him Memory Forever Heb. 10:3 Jer. 31:34 Heb. 8:12 Heb. 10:17 Look at Heb. 10:3 Under the Old Law remembrance was made of sin year after year-on the day of atonement. - “The greater glory of the new law was its power to wipe the slate of sin clean, and give a fresh, new page….Forgiveness is the major difference between the two covenants.” H.A. (Buster) Dobbs -The most precious words in all the Bible, perhaps, with reference to the hope of eternal life and in view of the number and weight of sins, are these, "And their iniquities will I remember no more." How sacred is this promise. Sins which people themselves cannot forget, God will forget! "`Remember no more' is a contrast to `remembrance year by year.' Man remembers, but God forgets when he forgives." F22 –J.B. Coffman Sin, forgiveness
He Casts Them Into The Depths Of The Sea What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Casts Them Into The Depths Of The Sea Micah 7:19 -put completely out of His sight - “To cast our guilt into the depths of the sea is a powerful figure of the utter removal of sin.” Bob Winton - cast . . . into . . . depths of the sea--never to rise again to view, buried out of sight in eternal oblivion: not merely at the shore side, where they may rise again. JFB commentary -Eze. 18:22, His transgressions shall not be mentioned unto him; they are blotted out as a cloud which never appears more. He casts them into the sea, not near the shore-side, where they may appear again next low water, but into the depth of the sea, never to rise again. All their sins shall be cast there without exception, for when God forgives sin he forgives all. Matthew Henry Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Does Not Impute Them Ps. 32:2 Rom. 4:7-8 2 Cor. 5:19 God does not reckon or count the sin Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Impute---”God does not reckon or count the sin. The word ‘impute’ is a mathematical or bookkeeping term. God keeps a record of our debts (sins); but, in forgiving our sins, he no longer has a record of such on the ledger.” Wendell Winkler Impute---”God does not reckon or count the sin. The word ‘impute’ is a mathematical or bookkeeping term. God keeps a record of our debts (sins); but, in forgiving our sins, he no longer has a record of such on the ledger.” Wendell Winkler Sin, forgiveness
He Does Not Impute Them “Impute” is a mathematical or bookkeeping term God keeps a record of our sins In forgiveness He no longer has a record on the ledger—He takes away the “debt”
He Will Never Mention Them Again What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Will Never Mention Them Again Ezk. 18:22 Ezk. 33:16 There is no hope for the wicked man as long as he remains in his wicked way of life—but he can change!!!---if he turns from his wicked ways and obeys the will of God he can be saved---just because he started out life going in the wrong direction does not mean he must always continue that way!!! 2 Pet. 3:9 Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 God Forgives lying adultery fornication cheating vulgar language forsaking assembly failure to study, pray, work etc. sins against others hatred “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Conclusion How the alien sinner obtains forgiveness Believe in Christ Repent of sins Confess Christ as the Son of God Be baptized for remission of sins Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Conclusion How the erring child of God obtains forgiveness Repent of sins Confess sins Pray to the Father for forgiveness Sin, forgiveness
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 Outlined form material in Studying Sin Seriously, by Wendell Winkler Sin, forgiveness
He Hides His Face From Them What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Hides His Face From Them Ps. 51:9 Sin, forgiveness
He Blots Them From The Record Is. 44:22 He rubs or wipes them off the record
What God Does With Our Sins August 3, 2008 He Covers Them Ps. 32:1 Ps. 85:2 Rom. 4:6-8 They are hidden from His sight Sin, forgiveness