Chapter 6 Penance
Conversion • Indicates a radical reorientation of your life away from sin and evil—towards God Central element of Jesus’ preaching Main element of Church’s ministry of evangelization Main element of sacrament of Penance Parable of the Prodigal Son
Process of Conversion Begins with loathing the place to which our sin has brought us or is bringing us Entails comparing our lives to the life of Christ Is our life directed towards complete union with God?
Ongoing Conversion of the Baptized Great gift of Baptism We still have inclination to sin—concupiscence Constant struggle of conversion directed towards holiness
Interior Conversion Accompanied by interior repentance—radical change of whole live, return to God, end of sin Commitment to change our lives and sin no more
How to Accomplish Interior Conversion Gesture of reconciliation Concern for poor Defense of justice and rights Admitting faults Fraternal correction Changing course of our lives Examining conscience Accepting spiritual direction Enduring suffering and persecution for sake of righteousness
Names for the Sacrament Sacrament of Conversion Sacrament of Penance Sacrament of Confession Sacrament of Forgiveness Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacramental Forgiveness and Reconciliation Twofold process of conversion: Reconciliation with the Church God’s forgiveness of our sins Classification of sins Sins of the spirit and sins of the flesh, original and personal sin, venial and mortal sins
Sacramental Forgiveness and Reconciliation Who can forgive sins? Only God can forgive sins God gave Jesus the power to forgive sins Jesus willed the whole Church to continue his ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation Power of absolution given to successors of the Apostles
Sacramental Forgiveness and Reconciliation Apostles given authority to reconcile sinners with the Church Spirit of God makes decision to forgive—Church acts upon that decision When priest offers God’s forgiveness, you’re welcomed back into life of Church Church renewed through sacrament of Penance
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Sacrament instituted by Christ through ministry of forgiveness Instituted for all members of Church Sacrament celebrated anonymously or face to face
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Steps involved: Penitent greeted and blessed by priest Reading of scriptures Penitent invited to repent Priest offers advice, gives penance to atone for sin and help make restitution
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Steps involved cont. Act of Contrition Absolution Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise Dismissal and blessing
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Contrition—”heartfelt sorrow and aversion for the sin committed along with the intention of sinning no more” Acceptance or responsibility for sin Make decision to be more loving Focus minds and heart on God Perfect contrition—love God above all else—God forgives our sins
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Examination of Conscience Focus on teachings of Christ Pay attention to teaching authority of the Church Be guided by Holy Spirit Listen to advice of others
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Confession—disclosure of our sins External expression of sorrow and willingness to accept responsibility Confession is an outward form of contrition Request for healing, expression of faith in God Forms basis for new life with God and Church
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Serious sins should be confessed at least once a year Sacrament of Penance received before First Holy Communion Regular confession of venial sins recommended
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Importance of Penance Correcting our sins, helping to repair damage Rebuild our relationship with God and others May involve prayer, almsgiving, self-denial, works of service Helps to begin process of correcting past mistakes and building new life with God
Practice of Sacrament of Penance Sacrament completed through priest granting absolution Sacramental Seal Hands extended by priest and God’s forgiveness pronounced Broken relationship with God is renewed
Practice of Sacrament of Penance In role of Confessor, priest should: Have proven knowledge of Christian behavior Have experience in human affairs Be respectful towards sinner Love the truth Be faithful to Magisterium of Church Lead penitent with patience toward healing and full maturity
Effects of Sacrament of Penance Obstacles for union with God and Church removed Reconciliation with God, neighbor, self, and all creation True spiritual resurrection Reconciliation with Church Anticipation of our final judgment
Effects of Sacrament of Penance Indulgences—”partial or total wiping away of punishments due for sins that have been forgiven” Not free of all consequences of sin, consequences of sin extend far beyond what we can see We have to make amends for harm we’ve done Church offers assistance in making amends