Where does it say “Ignorance & Inadvertence?”


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Presentation transcript:

Where does it say “Ignorance & Inadvertence?” 1:7

Walking In The Light

1 John 1:7,9 “IF” -- Conditional Vs. 7 “IF we walk in the light – we have fellowship with Him & the blood of His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Vs. 9 “IF we confess our sins, He is faithful & just to forgive our sins, & to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Define Key Words “Walk” – lit. “if we keep on walking…” “the way one regulates his life, how he lives. I.e. “living in the light.” “Cleanses” – lit. “keeps on cleansing” “to free from the guilt of sin, to purify.” Same in vss. 7 & 9

Define Key Words “All” – “any, every one.” Same vss. 7&9 “all sin” & “all unrighteousness” “Confess” – “if we keep on confessing” – Confession to the Father – 1 John 2:1 “Sins” – “offences, violations of divine law” Plural, all vss. same

Define Key Words “Forgive” – “to give up a debt by not demanding it, to remit.” Romans 6:23 “Unrighteousness” - “describes a condition of not being right with God.” 1 John 5:17 “all unrighteousness is sin” – Isaiah 59:2 “Separated you from your God”

What do we have? “Walking in the light” continually living in a way that is regulated by the Will of God, will result in our sins being cleansed by the blood of Christ, which is to say that our offences & violations of the divine law will be purified by His blood.

What do we have? “If we confess our sins” – if we keep on confessing these offences & violations of the divine law, He is faithful & just to forgive our sins, which means He is able, and will remit our violations of the divine law, & cleanse us from all unrighteousness, which means He will purify us from every form of guilt that would cause us not to be right with God.

Sins Cleansed = Sins Forgiven = Unrighteousness Cleansed Walking in the Light & Confessing Our Sins to the Father Accomplish The Same Thing! Walking In The Light = Confessing Sins to The Father

What does “Continually Confessing Our Sins” Mean? Life of Humility – 1 John 1:10 What do we do when Sin is in our lives? Do we excuse it? We Repent, confess that sin, pleading through Christ for God’s forgiveness NO!

Are We Cut Off From Christ The Moment We Sin? Acts 8:23 “poisoned by bitterness & bound by iniquity” Was he Cut Off From God at that point? Can one who is “bound by iniquity” find a place in God’s heavenly kingdom? Can the penitent & prayerful Christians be forgiven of sins? ABSOLUTELY!

What if a Christian dies in the commission of some sin of ignorance or inadvertence? Would he be lost despite the fact that the rest of his life was spent in faithful service to the Lord? Ezekiel 18:24; 33:12 Getting into something that is NOT OUR BUSINESS!

What if a Christian dies in the commission of some sin of ignorance or inadvertence? Some say “it doesn’t matter what kind of sins you commit, as long as you are walking in the light, you are forgiven.” Gives a License to SIN! Other extreme: “every sin must be specifically confessed to be forgiven.”

What if a Christian dies in the commission of some sin of ignorance or inadvertence? Must we know everything that is sin in order to have God’s forgiveness? Psalm 19:12 “Cleanse me from secret faults” Asking for God to forgive him of those sins which he did not even recognize.

What God Does or Does Not Choose to do regarding those who die in the act of sin is His Business! All I know is that I am under obligation as a child of God to confess my sins to Him, and to ask for His forgiveness! IF I should fail to do this, I am sinning – willfully! And there is no more sacrifice for my sins- Hebrews 10:26