404 538 4536
2009 NJ Coordinators Meeting aka District Coordinators Meeting Ken Hoffman NJ State Coordinator 973-731-5613 e-mail: njtaxaide@comcast.net
NJ State Management Team (SMT) Gary Blauth – Administrative Specialist Gary Broughton – Technology Specialist Al Hershey – Partnership & Communication Specialist Carol Horner – Ad Hoc Member Ken Hoffman – State Coordinator Denise Montana – Prospective Volunteer Coordinator Carol Ober – Training Specialist Denise Perry – IRS Territory Manager
Tell Us About Yourself Name Home town County you work in Tax Aide Position How long have you volunteered with Tax Aide Occupation (Current or pre-retirement) What are your expectations of the AARP TaxAide Program
New Jersey Statistics 57K taxpayers helped Filed ~30K Federal returns 900 volunteers 187 Sites for TY2009 down from 235 in TY2008 e-file ratio = 77% All districts >40% e-file Eight districts >80% e-file 77% Quality Review reported
When Can/Cannot Prepare Tax Returns Statement of Policy We will prepare and quality review returns for taxpayers Of any age Of any income As long as the return is not too complex and falls within the restrictions of the “New Jersey Can Do List” We shall not prepare returns For items we have not been trained for Items on the “NJ Cannot Do List” Items that we do not feel comfortable with Where a thorough Quality Review cannot be accomplished Situations where we feel the truth is a stranger
Quality Review Help facilitate paper preparers perform an effective Quality Review 25% to 50% of returns we prepare have errors picked up during review All documents prepared must be Quality Reviewed Federal & State Returns PTRs & Tenant Rebates
Bernie Madoff??? Well not exactly
Why and How Does It Affect Us Returns on investments are down Donations/Grants are down significantly AARP Foundation has a $750K budget gap We need to lower expenses We have a significant equipment challenge
What Can We Do? Mileage compensation is liberal For those who itemize Consider taking a Flat rate Consider voluntarily reducing The mileage rate reimbursement The number of miles requested for reimbursement Identify areas of possible cost reduction Possibly service remote sites less days per season Look for Sources or Grants for equipment and… Open larger, more efficient sites and close smaller ones Ask counselors to use personal computers No $$ to replace 565 inoperable computers and 155 printers (Category 1 equipment)
Mileage >$350 Requires SC For “I” Expenses (Counseling) Counseling expenses (“I”) over $350 require prior approval by DC & SC If there is good and sufficient reason for “I” expenses over that amount Ask volunteers to accept the cap If that is unacceptable, “I” expenses expected to exceed $350 must be pre-approved by the DC and SC, and both MUST approve the expense statement
Paper A significant amount of our expense is for paper and toner cartridges For paper, use Staples NJTaxAide Tax Exempt, Rewards Card #404 538 4536 It is tax exempt and the rewards are credited to an account that will be used to buy additional supplies at no cost to Tax Aide (estimated at ($2,000 for NJ and $100,000 total) We are still planning to purchase paper and have it dropped shipped. If more is needed, please purchase it using this card number
The Equipment Challenge
Previous Equipment Sources AARP Foundation Ocean County Grant Company Donations IRS Site and corporate equipment loans Partnerships
Equipment Requests 33 Laptops, 9 Network Printers From districts >80% e-file: 2 network printers From districts <80% e-file 33 laptops 7 network printers
Affected Districts District Laptops (31) Printers [Network] (9) Burlington 7 Camden 1 Middlesex 5 Monmouth 10 6 Morris Ocean West 5 [over 2 years] Passaic 4
The New Equipment Paradigm Limited AARP equipment for expansion More reliance on state and districts What can be done? Increase equipment efficiency Partnerships Donations Partner with VITA Sites – Share equipment
The Good News Equipment costs have decreased Partnership successes Site consolidation successes 1 Super Site for tax year 2009 Joint Tax Aide VITA sites are viable
Partnerships & Grants In NJ we have been successful in obtaining Grants Freeholder Grants: This source has limitations Grants from Corporations ie Exxon/Mobil, Becton Dickenson (former employers of volunteers) Partnered with United Way of North Essex (UWNE)
And … United Way Did Their Share Advertised for volunteers and clients 10 desktop computers, a large auditorium, tables chairs and a Client Facilitator Set up, tore down and stored computers Made appointments and called clients the day before to confirm Provided a Site Coordinator Provided a class room with 10 desktops for pre-season training Opened their building on Saturdays for class & for clients 10 Reserved parking spaces for our volunteers Use of a copier & telephone
AARP Provided Certified Counselors ERO Training Prepared 450 Federal returns in 1st year and was the busiest site in the District Our efforts were hampered by the number of volunteers available Flash drives (no taxpayer data on computers)
Then They Provided $600 for an end of season party for all volunteers in the District CEO Comment: “I have never worked with such a fantastic group of dedicated, professional individuals. We value our partnership with them and look forward to many years of collaborating” What a good deal for Them, us and for our clients
Empowered By Success We approached the United Way of Bergen County (#2) Purchased 10 computers to our specs and also donated $2,000 The United Way of Gloucester County (#3) applied for a Boeing grant and we are in the process helping them purchase laptops. In addition, the IRS is sharing 4 additional laptops from a VITA Site In Monmouth County, The United Way (#4) will take appointments for 2 of our largest sites where the library refused to do so In Hudson County, the United Way (#5) is providing funds to purchase 10 laptops, 2 printers and routers In Atlantic County, one of our volunteers knew someone who knew someone. Bottom line, AtlantiCare Health Systems is providing use of 10 laptops, 2 printers, routers, facilities, training facilities and volunteers as well as IT support from their staff. We will be consolidating sites in this County due to the throughput expected from AtlantiCare
Ask Libraries At several of our library sites, computers are available for the asking. Some are laptops others are desktops. On most site owned equipment, we use flash drives or we could use TWO Montclair Pubic Library – 4 laptops East orange Public Library – 3 desktops Maplewood Library – 6 laptops
Ask Other Partners Most of these partners have been jointly pursued with our IRS SPEC Office In NJ, they hooked us up with PNC bank which is a source of grants and other assistance and facilitated R partnership with Hudson Cty UW Thru our SPEC office, arrangements have been made for partners to take appointments at several of our locations in four counties where library budgets have been cut
Bottom Line We have over 50 laptops from United Way and AtlantiCare Partners We have requests for an additional 31 laptops and 9 network printers Outlook from AARP: 10 laptops maximum
Think Outside The Box Tax Aide and VITA We serve different segments of the population Our hours of service are usually different VITA is income limited, we are not VITA’s training is often limited to Basic BUT, we can effectively share sites and equipment and thereby serve more clients We are not in competition Combining our resources will assist more taxpayers