8/22 EQ: Why are some Civilizations considered “classic”? Do Now: (on your handout) Create a list of things that you might describe as being “classic”. What do these things have in common? Why are they called “Classics”?
Some Classics…. Stand the test of time Are well respected Other people have tried to copy them, but can’t quite do it
The Classical Civilizations and Empires Greece Rome India China
Classical Civilizations Each civilization was influenced by its geographic setting All had strong, well-organized governments and prosperous economies Each made important contributions Art Science Architecture Law Religion Government Developed global trade routes which prompted the sharing of ideas and technology and spurred cultural diffusion which is the mixing and blending of cultures
Greece Organized into city-states (polis) Athens and Sparta 1750 B.C. – 133 B.C. Organized into city-states (polis) Athens and Sparta Alexander the Great and Hellenistic culture
Rome 509 B.C. – 476 A.D. Established a new form of government called a Republic Pax Romana – period of peace and prosperity Laws of the Twelve Tables
India Aryans Caste System Hinduism Mauryan Empire Ahsoka Buddhism
China Zhou Dynasty Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty 1028 B.C. – 220 A.D. Mandate of Heaven Confucius Qin Dynasty Great Wall of China Han Dynasty Silk Road