NAMIBIA Sonja Liukkonen: 614755
Namibia- Key facts Population: 2.3 million Capital: Windhoek Population density (per. Sq km): 3 ( Driest and one of the most sparsely populated countries on earth.) UN HDI: World ranking 127
Society and politics Namibia become independent of South-Africa in 1990 Namibia is lead by president (Hage Geingob) Namibian politics has been dominated by the Liberation Movement SWAPO as a political party throughout its independence source. Globalis
Population Growth 1993: 1,61 2003: 2,00 2009: 2,19 Source: World Bank PovcalNet
Population Growth Population growth rate is 3.5%. However, growing at 4.5% per year, the urban population as a share of total population increased from 28% in 1991 to 43% in 2011. About 74% of the Namibian households cannot afford conventional housing and only 57% of urban households have access to sanitation facilities, which has serious environmental and health implications. Source: African Economic Outlook 2016
Mean income in dollars/month 1993: 196 2003: 211 2009: 237 Source: World Bank PovcalNet
Headcount % poverty line (PPP $1.9 / day) 1993-2009 Source: World Bank PovcalNet
Poverty headcount % ratio at national poverty lines (Namibia, urba, rural) Source World Bank
Poverty gap (PPP $1.9 / day) Source: World Bank PovcalNet
Squared poverty gap (PPP $1.9 / day)
Gini Index Source: World Bank PovcalNet
GDP per capita 1993-2013 ( current us dollars) Source: World Bank
Inequality Namibia has the third highest level of income inequality in the world Namibia has high unemployment rate HIV prevalence rate of 16.9 percent Namibia has no comprehensive welfare system The country’s status as upper middle income makes its poor ineligible for aid from the UNDP and other development groups.
Overview Namibia has enjoyned a sustained period of strong growth. Namibia is one of the richest countries in Africa, but it is one of the most inequal country in the world Poverty and inequality has been decreasing but it has not been sufficient enough compared to economic growth Income distribution could help poverty reduction since the gini coeffient is extremily high All Namibias major production sectors (mining, tourism, livestock and meat production, and fisheries ) are vulnerable to external economic and ecological shocks.