Centre for Devolution and Environmental Leadership (CDEL) Youth & Green Economy: The Emerging Champions Presentation by Jacob Olonde @KFWG, June 2016 Email: olondejacob@gmail.com
Outline Definitions Why Green? Legal and Policy Scenario Ongoing Initiatives Obstacles Way forward
Definitions Often used as a catchall term referring to: Youth The national youth policy (2006) of Kenya defines youth as between 15-30 years. The youth in Kenya, who number about 9.1 million, account for about 32% of the population. Of these, 51.7 % are female What is ‘‘green’’? Often used as a catchall term referring to: ...resource efficiency and the need to protect the natural systems upon which humans and other species depend (Carley et al., 2011).
Why Green? The world demands innovative thinking, new approaches, and the capacity to implement them Address rising energy tariffs, diminishing natural resources and skyrocketing costs of basic commodities Promote green consumerism, growth and green mind sets Strengthen legal and policy infrastructure Develop responsive and sustainable institutional frameworks
Legal & Policy Scenario 17 Sustainable Development Goals Paris Agreement/ COP21 Outcome The Constitution Vision 2030 Climate Change Act National Youth Policy GoK 30% procurement rule Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan
Ongoing Green Initiatives Sustainable Environment and Restoration Programme (SERP) by GoK, Kenya Red Cross Society The Greening Kenya Initiative (GKI)/Trust Green Energy Initiative: Kenya Green Fiscal Policy Network by GIZ and UNEP Green Growth Initiative by African Development Bank Kenya Green Universities Network by UNEP School Greening programme by MENRRA Mazingira Challenge and Miss environment by KFWG Green Innovation Award by NETFUND Green Entrepreneurship Programme by ILO/UNIDO Nakumatt Holdings Ltd- Think Green, Go Blue
Obstacles Pressure from the high population growth. The fact that economic growth is much lower than the population growth rate makes the situation worse Lack of appropriate skills. Many are neither properly equipped for entry into the labour market nor possess the necessary life skills Unclear and uncoordinated policies and programmes. Lack of a national definition of youth and effective co-ordination mechanisms hamper their effectiveness. Resource Constraints. Most of the youth programmes, run by youths themselves, the Government and partners lack adequate funds. Limited participation and lack of opportunities . Due to societal attitudes, socio-cultural and economic barriers, and lack of proper organization. Limited access to information. The youth cannot exploit career, business and education opportunities available because they lack access to necessary information.
Way Forward Understand the definitions: Green Economy, Green Growth, Low Carbon Development Understand public participation as envisaged under Article 69 (d) in the Constitution of Kenya. Get the Issues: Climate change; ecosystem management, resources efficiency; chemicals and waste Management Build on strong networks and establish a formal high- level forum for much-needed strategic policy debate Take responsibility. Green your lifestyle ( I have published a book on this topic. Grab your copy)