Hints from a HSC Marker for Mathematics General 2 Singleton HSC Review Day Friday 26th May 2017 Presented by: Rod Lyon Coordinating Senior Marker Rod Lyon 2016
Notes about HSC marking WHY ARE WE HERE? A team of 12 markers will mark each of the 15-mark questions. Approximately 30000 papers marked by 12 markers = 2500 papers each. Multiple Choice section is computer marked. The written section is scanned and electronically sent to marking teams online. Markers follow marking guidelines. These are on the BOS website. Markers are trying to reward students for what they can do. Marks are awarded for the understanding of a concept, not just a correct answer. Rod Lyon 2017
Notes about the HSC exam 2 ½ hour paper. 25 Multiple Choice questions (allow about 30 mins). Five 15-mark questions (allow about 2 hours; i.e. 25 mins each) = 100 marks in 150 mins or 1 ½ mins per mark. A 3 page formula sheet is supplied – use it! 30% of the exam can be from the Preliminary course. Questions do come from the Focus Studies content and require serious attention. Rod Lyon 2016
Rod Lyon 2016
Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Show working so part marks can be awarded for some correct steps towards the answer. ‘TE’ or ‘CNE’ or ‘CFPA’ become important. Note: Bald correct answers may be awarded zero marks but are commonly given full marks in this course. Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Read graphs carefully and use a ruler to draw graphs and diagrams accurately. Copy diagrams into answer booklet neatly, putting any information gathered onto the diagram. Check that your answer is reasonable and that it answers the question asked. Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Check you can do the basic calculator operations. Be careful when using operations such as: square root symbols, fractions, trigonometric functions, squaring negative numbers and brackets. Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Be familiar with the appropriate terminology of the course and answer with mathematical meaning (i.e. show the calculations). Worded answers need to be written in the context of the question. ‘Show’, ‘Explain’ and ‘Justify’ means to “find” with appropriate calculations. ‘Compare and Contrast’ means what is the same and what is different. ‘Evaluate’ means to find a numerical value. The number of marks allocated to a question indicates the depth of the solution which will be required. (‘Give a reason’ or ‘Explain’ type questions) Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Write down each step when solving or rearranging an equation. For questions requiring a substitution into a formula, show the values used in the substitution step. Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Always write down the calculator display before rounding and only round in the last step of working. There will be a question that has a mark specifically checking for correct rounding and another for correct units. Rod Lyon 2016
Top Tips for the HSC Be aware of the impact of the focus studies in the HSC and new content in the present syllabus. Do not ignore this material. Thank you and Best of Luck! Rod Lyon 2016