Lecture (13): Hazardous Waste Management
Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment. Lecture (12): Lecture objectives: By the end of this lecture students should be able to: To know the hazardous waste regulations. To know hazardous emergency procedures. To know the general requirements for transportation of hazardous waste.
Hazardous Waste Regulations EPA regulates hazardous waste by authority of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act. RCRA controls include: Identification of hazardous wastes. Tracking wastes from “cradle to grave”. Setting standards for generators of wastes, transporters of wastes, and Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facilities.
Primary RCRA Requirements RCRA requires that you: Label containers with a description of their contents. Ensure lids and caps are securely fastened at all times, except when putting wastes into the containers. Ensure all materials are properly segregated. Use containers that are compatible with your waste. Use intact containers (no cracks, holes, etc.) Ensure that spills and overfills do not occur. Ensure that mismanagement does not occur. Refer to page 7-8 of the Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management.
Wastes: Containers and Storage Only use containers that are compatible with the materials to be collected Always label containers with a description of their contents. Don’t store incompatible materials together. Do not store wastes in the fume hood. Store in the appropriate storage cabinet (e.g., flammable, acid) Provide secondary containment for liquid wastes. Always keep the container closed (lid firmly secured) A funnel in an open bottle is NOT a lid. Check waste storage areas regularly (weekly). Inspect containers to make sure they aren’t getting brittle or starting to crack
Emergency Procedures: Fire Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call ………. Evacuate the building and go to the Evacuation Assembly Point or designated area of safe refuge. Advise emergency personnel of anyone still inside the building. Do not re-enter the building until authorized by emergency personnel.
Emergency Procedures: Release of Hazardous Materials Call …….. in the event of an emergency or if anyone is in danger. Move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location Follow the instructions of emergency personnel. Alert others to stay clear of the area. Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed or have information regarding the release
Emergency Procedures: Evacuation Know the evacuation procedures and evacuation route information for your area. Evacuate the building using the nearest safe exit. Do not use elevators! Take personnel belongings (keys, purses etc., but don’t put yourself or others at risk by delaying evacuation). If possible, secure any hazardous materials or equipment Follow the directions given by emergency personnel Go to Evacuation Assembly Points (EAPs) designated on the emergency evacuation sign for the building Assist persons with disabilities Do not leave the area/campus until your status has been reported to your supervisor or instructor
Hazardous waste generator is responsible for the following: - Classifying, labelling and storing the hazardous waste properly. - If waste is to be transported off site the generator should: - register as a generator of hazardous waste; - ensure a waste manifest is properly completed and accompanies the shipment; and - ensure the waste is transported by a registered hazardous waste carrier to a registered receiver. Registering their hazardous waste management facility, if required. Ensuring the proper disposal of hazardous waste by an acceptable method
Hazardous Waste Transportation Transporters must follow strict requirements for transporting hazardous materials. Transporters participate in manifest system. Vehicles must be properly marked. Transporter can not make decisions on where to deliver waste.
Satellite Accumulation Areas Containers are kept closed and maintained in good condition Containers are constructed of material compatible with waste being stored Area is free of spilled/leaked wastes PPT-048-01 67
HW Training Requirements Employees working with or around HW: - Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200) - Training related to their specific tasks PPT-048-01 88
Examples of Emergency Equipment Absorbent materials Oil dry Broom Shovel Gloves Goggles PPT-048-01 94
Emergency Equipment Internal communications telephones . Portable fire equipment and extinguishers Spill control equipment Water in adequate volumes and pressure for fire control PPT-048-01 95
Hazardous Waste Spill Report Report titled, “Hazardous Waste Spill Report” must contain: Name, address and identification number of generator. Date, time and location of incident. Brief description of cause. Description of each of the hazardous wastes or materials involved including estimated quantity Legible copy of manifest, if applicable. Description of land, water or air that was contaminated Actions generator intends to prevent future similar incident. PPT-048-01 105
Treatment and Disposal Hazardous waste must first be treated prior to final disposal: • Treatment methods – Thermal treatment (incineration) – Chemical treatment (e.g., solidification and stabilization) – Biological treatment – Encapsulation – Others • Final Disposition – Landfills – Surface impoundments – Deep well injection