Chemical Handling and Management OSU Environmental Health & Safety
ATAMI Chemical Overview Receiving Transport Inventory Acquisition Spills Storage Labels Waste Determination Disposal Storage Handling
Chemical Receiving Chemical shipments < 5 gal: received through front door > 5 gal: received at loading dock ONLY Gas cylinder - either
Chemical Receiving OSU personnel receiving chemical shipments: Take chemicals directly into the lab area. Spill outside in the loading dock area: Contact HP Spill Emergency Response Team via HP security (715-2222)
Chemical Transporting Move chemicals on stable carts Capable of containing a spill of the largest container. Isolate incompatible chemicals separate impervious trays other adequate secondary containment.
Chemical Inventory Electronic with web access Checked/updated monthly. Include: names of chemicals hazard classes amounts location. Maintain the facility as a B-occupancy. Enter new shipments immediately.
Chemical Acquisition Chemicals on inventory Purchase without review New combined quantities must not exceed UFC limits
Chemical Acquisition Chemicals not on inventory: Complete chemical inventory form, submit to EH&S for review prior to ordering. EH&S replies with special requirements, as necessary. Archive chemical inventory form and SDSs into OSU’s Box ATAMI\SDS folder.
INDOOR Chemical Spills – Small Lab occupants shall clean up incidental spills that meet all of the following criteria: less than five feet in diameter within the control of the operator of the process not flowing within the facility. Spill response report (w/copy to EH&S) after incident – describe event in full detail. <Five feet – Lab Occupants >5 feet – OSU EH&S – 737-2273
INDOOR Chemical Spills – Large OSU EH&S shall oversee cleanup of spills that meet any of the following criteria: greater than five feet in diameter not within the control of the operator of the process Flowing Lab occupants may clean up spills under EH&S oversight depending on circumstances. Spill response report (w/copy to EH&S) after incident – describes event in full detail. <Five feet – Lab Occupant >5 feet – OSU EH&S - 737-2273
OUTDOOR Chemical Spills HP Spill Emergency Response Team (SERT) shall clean up all spills outside the facility. Call 541-715-2222. In the event of a spill in the east loading dock area, close the drains (hit EMO switches located in side the east man door) Spill response report (w/copy to EH&S) after incident – describes event in full detail.
Chemical Storage By hazard class. Storage over 5 foot in height suitably restrained. Store in appropriate chemical cabinets – Special lab chemical storage units with doors or restraints for general chemicals Haz mat cabinets for more hazardous chemicals (flammable, reactive, toxic, corrosive - acids and bases separately.)
Labels Keep labels on containers until empty. Label secondary containers (e.g., beakers, flasks, bottles, used in experiments) with: chemical name, hazard information, date of transfer, identity of person transferring chemical.
Storage Area Labels Chemical storage cabinets and areas must be labeled as to their contents. The label must be visibly displayed on the door and be visible.
Chemical Waste Determination All chemical waste needs a hazardous waste determination by EH&S. Wastes determined NOT to be hazardous may have limited disposal options.
Chemical Waste Disposal ATAMI: conditionally exempt small quantity generator. DEQ generator ID number for waste handling and disposal. ORDXXXXXXXXX
Chemical Waste Disposal Hazardous wastes Leave facility on hazardous waste manifest Sent to permitted facilities identified on the OSU waste contract. Waste shipments Minimum of once every year. More often if needed.
Chemical Waste Storage Segregate Chemical wastes from new chemicals (haz mat cabinet). Separate incompatible wastes.
Chemical Waste Storage No chemicals disposed down sinks. Label wastes in HW cabinet with: chemical content Initial date of generation the words “hazardous waste”.
Chemical Containers Rinse empty chemical containers prior to disposal. Treat first rinse as waste. Multiple rinses may be required.
Handling Chemicals Use fume hood for airborne chemicals Use proper PPE: Safety eyewear Gloves Full shoes Lab coat Respirator??
Respirator Use If you need to use a respirator, you need to do paperwork Full use – medical evaluation, training, fit test Voluntary use – acknowledgment form