Italian University as a heterogeneous system Diana Spulber Velikij Novgorod 17.05 2016
In Italy have 96 universities . In Italy have 96 universities Public Universities and Private Universities Universities : Mega more than 40.000,00 students Big 20.000,00 – 40.000,00 students Medium 10.000,00-20.000,00 students Small less than 10.000,00 students Polytechnic
1999 4000,00 disabled students are studying at Italian Universities The Italian Government should consider this situation Law about Inclusion of Students in Italian System (Law 28 January 1999, n. 17/99)
. The services provided by the Universities to the disabled students enrolled to a course of the Athenaeum aim at supplying: - equal opportunities of education, study and research; - full integration in every area of university life.
Bodies and organization The bodies charged with ensuring the attainment of the goals mentioned in art. 1, according to the Rules for the services to disabled students, are: the Representative of the Rector for the integration of disabled students; The Schools contact persons appointed by the Department Heads ; the Committee for the integration of disabled students made up of the Representative of the Rector, the Faculty contact persons, a Representative of the Atheneum Joint Commission for didactics and right to study, by a Representative of the Equal Opportunities Committee , by a Representative of the technical-administrative personnel and by the Manager of the Department for student education and international activities.
Provided Services a) – Assistance to the person b) – Expert tutoring c) – Environmental tutoring d) – Dedicated support services e) – Use of teaching materials f) - Transport
Assistance to the person The service is supplied by a dedicated operator giving individual support to the mobility within the university, to enter the lecture rooms, the laboratories, the canteens, the services, the offices and any other place, also outside the university, where the student must go for reasons strictly connected to the study activities.
Expert tutoring The service supplies the student with the assistance of a person having the necessary scientific and didactical skills for exam preparation in hours and places different from those dedicated to the lectures. The Tutor must provide assistance with the course programme and organize the educational path taking into account the characteristics of the student and those of the subject for which the assistance is requested, in close connection with the teacher.
Environmental tutoring The service assists the student in the carrying out of administrative tasks, in finding textbooks and, if necessary, during lectures in taking notes .
Dedicated support services 1 In case of particular conditions due to some kinds of disability, specific services provided by professional operators are available. 2 Hearing impaired students, upon request, can be provided with services of sign language interpretation by professional operators. 3 Autistic students can be provided with services of facilitated communication by professional operators.
Use of teaching materials The university can provide the disabled students with technical and didactic devices, such as personal computers, printers, Braille bars, speech synthesis programs, other software.
Transport The service is supplied to reach the place where exams take place, where final theses are discussed, as well as classes and laboratories.
FFO 2015 6.500.000,00 euro for Support the Disabled Students Inclusion 6.000.000,00 euro for Universities for to support the integration of Disabled Students 500.000,00 euro for Dyslexic Students Support
. Thanks for attention