Unit 6 Change Difficult Employees Kaplan University
What Causes Change in Police Work? Legal System Changing laws Select enforcement Social Values Selection of supervisors from department “the way it has always been done” Technology Record management, report writing, DNA, patrol car video, GPS, etc. Police Unions Have great influence Estimated that 73% of police officers represented by union Collective bargaining Recommended changes should be discussed with union leadership and checked for conflict with contract Can you think of other causes of change?
Today’s Officers Likely to be better educated Rigorous selection results in highly qualified candidates Increased diversity (age, gender, race) Not used to no-nonsense leadership style Need job satisfaction What are your experiences with employees from different ages?
Two Types of Change Planned Change Unplanned Change Which type of change goes more smoothly?
Accepting Change Change will be more readily accepted if those affected are involved in the decision making process Tell them the alternatives Show how it will enhance things Empower them with knowledge about the change Show how it will meet needs When possible, plan for the change Phase in change over time Will these steps guarantee acceptance?
Resistance to Change Ambiguity (doubt, uncertainty) The Police Culture Controlling discretionary powers How doe$ thi$ affect my $alary and benefit$????? Habits Relationships (shift changes, breaks) Unpopular decisions Other reasons for resistance?
Nature of Resistance Rational resistance Emotional resistance The change creates more problems than it solves. This type of resistance can be positive. Emotional resistance No basis in reason. Harder to deal with. Conflict should be worked through not overreacted to
Working for Change Know the issues. Communicate. Then communicate some more. Involve the employees. Work with, not against. Work through informal leaders. Maximum involvement. Mandated change. Inevitable, but the supervisor must make it work.
The Difficult Employee
Employees as Individuals Each officer has their own personality, needs, and strengths Supervisors must develop knowledge about specific skills of subordinates When an employee does not accomplish tasks or engages in unacceptable behavior the supervisor must take corrective action
Types of Employees Ambivalent Ascendant Work-oriented, success driven, recognition, promotion, belief in self, goal orientation Require little supervision Indifferent Perform at minimum acceptable level, earn money to concentrate on nondepartmental activities, never seeks promotion, status quo, just get by Requires close supervision and documentation to correct unacceptable performance Ambivalent Most officers, intelligent, knowledgeable, oppose routine work, Requires new assignments and praise Do these descriptions remind you of anyone?
Expectations Essential that every employee know the acceptable level of performance High expectations result in high performance
Types of Problem Employees Erudites Opinionated, use expertise as power, Supervisor acknowledge them but not allow them to take over leadership Tyrants Control orientated, do not respect others, intimidation Supervisors needs an authoritarian response Defeatists Resist every idea, cynical, never have solution, Confront with issue ask specifics
Types of Problem Employees Manipulaters Do anything to gain advantage, play officers against each other, create conflict Supervisors must investigate action taken and find facts Indecisives Avoid making a decision, procrastination, remain neutral Supervisor ask for specific response Do these descriptions remind you of anyone in your organization?
Marginal Performer Performs just above acceptable level No reason to work harder than necessary Late for work, sick leave is a right Never volunteers Does not seek promotion Blame management for their problems
Supervisor Response to Marginal Performer Goal setting with plan to achieve them Give responsibility Praise when perform effectively Encourage training and volunteering for new assignments If employee fails to meet performance standards –documentation and corrective action
Work Stressors Organizational stress affects organization and individual Productivity decline Moral decline Sick leave use Personal problems Alcohol abuse, hypertension, depression
Task Stressors Danger Boredom Role conflict and ambiguity Control over pace of work Heavy work load and low control more stress Shift work Use of Force
Dealing with Organizational Stress Early Warning Systems Employee Assistance Programs Critical-Incident Stress Management Fitness for Duty Evaluations
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