Welcome to 4th Grade!
Daily Schedule ELT – Extended Learning Time for small groups Time ELA/ SS Math / Science 8:00- 9:30 ELA Math 9:30-10:20 Social Studies Science 10:20-10:40 ELT 10:40 Switch Classes 11:00-11:15 Recess 11:20-11:50 Lunch 11:50-1:23 1:23-2:16 Enrichment 2:16-3:05 3:10 Dismissal ELT – Extended Learning Time for small groups Daily Schedule
Homework Homework will be assigned most Monday-Thursdays Students are expected to keep track of their homework in their agendas. Students are required to read for 20 minutes each night Each student will start with a homework grade of 100 each 9 weeks. 5 points will be deducted for each missed homework assignment. Homework
Test Dates Tuesday: Science Wednesday: Math Thursday: Social Studies Friday: Language Arts (Reading and Spelling) *is subject to change, if needed Test Dates
Grades can be monitored through the infinite campus parent portal, accessible through the school’s website. Please contact Mrs. Schnorbus if you need help with Infinite Campus
Students WILL NOT be able to make up any work for unexcused absences. Make up work for excused absences Absent 1 day – 2 days to make up Absent 2 days – 4 days to make up Absent 3 or more – one week Makeup Work & Absences
4th Grade Conduct Policy Please review the Student/ Parent Handbook with your child. Students will start with a conduct grade of 100 each week. In the event that a student has an infraction, he or she will receive a tally mark. Each tally is 5 points off the weekly conduct grade. Warnings are always given, unless infraction is dangerous to peers, or self. Once conduct grade reaches 80% a parent e-mail will be sent. If a student is sent to the office an AUTOMATIC 20 POINTS ARE TAKEN OFF CONDUCT. 4th Grade Conduct Policy
Transportation Attendance Classroom Visits If your child has a change of transportation be sure to send in a signed note with them. Illnesses, death in the family, and religious holidays are considered excused absences (pg.11) Students are tardy after the 8:00 bell ALWAYS get a permission pass when visiting Transportation Attendance Classroom Visits
A weekly progress report will be sent home every TUESDAY in a folder with graded work, graded tests and a behavior report that you will need to sign and send back on Wednesday. Parent –teacher conferences can be scheduled with the teacher during the 4th grade planning period. 1:30-2:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please plan ahead, by calling, or emailing Mrs. Schnorbus. Let’s Communicate!!!
Email: Ms. Rachael Carroll carrora@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us Mrs. Marla Wiggins wiggima@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us School #: (706) 823-6950 For updates and information, access my the teacher webpages at walker.rcboe.org REMIND101 text message updates Let’s Communicate!!!
Please note that parents are not to walk students to class on the first day. * This does not include Kindergarten. Reminder
Have a Great Weekend! PTO memberships $10 for a family. Agendas will be sold next week for $5.00. Have a Great Weekend!
We will be doing several presentations this year in all subject areas. Please make sure your child wears the proper dress for a presentation (No jeans or shorts please). Suggested attire includes: dress pants and collared shirts for boys and dresses, skirts or nice dress pants for the girls Presentations
WRITING: Narrative, Informational, Persuasive Essays, responses to literature, and daily journaling MATH: Students will need to work on First in Math daily. LANGUAGE ARTS: We will read class novels Crispus Attucks and Pedro’s Journal in addition to other stories. Students will be required to read 25 other books, and complete 2 -4 book reports or reviews every month SOCIAL STUDIES: Projects and Presentations SCIENCE: Science Fair Projects and Presentations Student Expectations