Curtains: parent meeting!!
Most important #1 Rule Studies Come First You must prioritize If you can’t prioritize we will for you
Performing in a musical such as this can be one of the highlights of your students’ time in high school. For this to be possible, it is imperative that all participants are cooperative at all times with the directors and stage-managers, respectful of fellow cast members and crew, and generally display a high level of maturity and self-discipline.
The Director Reserves the Right to Make changes to the rehearsal schedule where necessary Add or dismiss any company member Re-cast or re-assign crew head positions if the actors/technicians are too-often untimely or unprepared Change responsibilities of any company member
Who is What? Cast Crew Orchestra COMPANY
Attendance Policy Two tardies equal an absence, and three absences (excused or unexcused) may result in being dropped from the show. Clarification - On the third absence you may be dropped from the show. Only extenuating circumstances will be considered and decisions will be made on a case by case basis. No excused absences will be granted from January 14th through the run of the show.
Am I on time? When any company member is called to a rehearsal they will be expected to be punctual. Company members should arrive at least 10 minutes before the written rehearsal time. Warm-ups are an important part of the rehearsal and should not be missed!
I have to be absent. What do I do? All schedule conflicts must be reported on an absence form available from a stage manager. The form must be completed and turned as soon as the conflict is known (minimum of 24 hours in advance). Time is precious. Conflict calendar does not count.
OH NO!!! I’m Sick. In case of emergencies, email at least an hour in advance. Email .
Communication Students must Check the Guys and Dolls Group on Blackboard daily for rehearsal information, updates, changes, etc… Twitter : @KOT_info Klein Oak Theatre web site
Forever Teaching Responsibility We will work hard to keep parents up to date, but it is the student’s responsibility to keep parents informed.
Rehearsal and Work 3:00 – 5:00 Monday- Thursday 3:00 – 6:00 Fridays Check calendar for other dates and times Cast members not rehearsing are expected to be sitting watching the rehearsal, going over lines-music-dances-etc., or doing homework quietly!! Crew not working will be asked to go home
Rehearsal and Work (cont.) Company Members are responsible for keeping up with their scripts. There will be a replacement fee assessed for all missing scripts. All company members are responsible for their own transportation to and from rehearsals and work. Everyone will not be called to every rehearsal. There are work opportunities.
What to wear to Rehearsal/Work Appropriate rehearsal or work clothes will be expected . ( NO FLIP FLOPS) Closed toed shoes that fit your foot Paint clothes for painting
What to bring to Rehearsal/Work Pencil Script Water Any and all working lists, sketches, plans, etc… After school snack.
What about the Money? Company members will be required to furnish all necessary accessories that Klein Oak Theatre cannot provide for you. (i.e. undergarments, socks/hosiery, shoes) All cast members will be required to purchase appropriate shoes. Do NOT buy shoes until you have been told by Mr. Robinson what to buy.
What about the Money? (cont.) Cast members will be asked to purchase their own make-up kit. (Sharing kits is unsanitary and discouraged.) See Danny’s Trix and Kix on FM 2920 – Ph# 281-353-6618. (They are closed on Sunday and Monday) Crew members (excluding PUB) will need to have a full set of “Blacks”
Shoes GIRLS All girls need tan character shoes (Unless you already have them) Girls in Robin Hood scenes need boots BOYS All boys need black ballroom dance shoes Boys in Robin Hood scenes need boots We will have an order form for this at a later date. All shoes will be available to order for a discounted price Pick up an orders form from costumes Money and form is due to costumes by WED (Dec. 7th) See costumes if you have any questions over which shoes to buy
Tech Work Days All company members will be expected to assist with any tech responsibilities when necessary . This includes participating in tech workdays, January 7th , January 14th and December 17th
Tech Week Jan. 23 -27 Generally, the last week before we open, rehearsals will not have a designated end time. We will work hard to get students out as early as possible. Once technical rehearsals and dress rehearsals begin, no absence from rehearsal will be excused!!! Too many things happen during these last minute rehearsals for students not to be there.
Strike Taking down the set and putting things away All company members are required on Tuesday & Wednesday, February 7 & 8 for strike after school 2:30 p.m.
School Rules All students are expected to adhere to all school policies. Any student caught using tobacco, drugs, or alcohol on or off of school premises will be removed from the production and be subject to KISD discipline as necessary.
Company Shirts A show shirt will be ordered for everyone in the company. Cost $10. Order form will be sent home for additional shirts
Tickets Only to company families Show tickets will be available December 16th from 5:00pm-7:00pm First Pick Credit/Debit card only Avoid service charge
Calling all Costumers Machine sew Hand sew Cut out patterns etc… Sign up sheet Know your ability
Chick-Fil-A Night January 12th What is it?
Tech Week Meals Sign up though Signup Genius (an email will be sent) Give money (Klein Oak Theatre Booster Club)
Show Concessions Sign up though Signup Genius (an email will be sent)