WELCOME to Mrs. Zatzke’s 8th Grade Science Class!
Science Dept.“Wish List” During your visit today, please take a look at the pink slips of paper taped to the cabinets on the far wall. Take any that you feel you could provide to our science class as an anonymous donation. Your child will use all of this equipment this year! We appreciate anything you can help us with!
Who is Mrs. Zatzke? Seventh year at Olympus Junior High – and loving it! Twelfth year teaching. UC Davis alumni, B.A. in Geology, M.A. in Science Education Hobbies include knitting, reading, caring for my children (ages 4 and 6) and goat ranch, and playing the trumpet. LOVES science and learning!
Course Overview Your student should have a textbook for home and will receive a workbook tomorrow that goes back and forth. 8th Grade Science this year covers the Physical Sciences: Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, and Engineering. The NGSS standards are addressed in our curriculum and we will be fully integrated by 2019.
Grades and Late Work Policy Grades are updated frequently on PowerSchool. Late work is accepted for 80% credit if turned in after the spiral check (typically on Fridays) Excused absences will receive full credit for late work turned in as long as it is completed in as many days as the student was absent. Corrections are encouraged and earn full credit.
Spiral Notebook and Spiral Checks Your student should have purchased two 100 page spiral notebooks for the school year. This spiral notebook will be your child’s “go- to” guide for science this year, and will act as an interactive notebook. They need one now, and one when we finish chemistry and astronomy in late January. Each page will be written on with notes, or have a worksheet from class glued in. These pages are stamped for credit when completed correctly, and given points at the end of each week during a “Spiral Check.” Your student will keep track of the pages in their spiral in their table of contents, copied from the classroom board. All tests are given as “open spiral.”
Need Help? Office Hours Office Hours are for: submitting and discussing late or absent work, completing missed labs, additional time on labs or tests, grade discussions, more science time! Any questions about grading can be discussed during Office Hours or via email. OFFICE HOURS ARE OFFERED AFTER SCHOOL AND AT BREAK until MAY 2018
Class Website http://olympus.eurekausd.org/subsites/Mrs-- Zatzke/