Welcome Parents! ENGLISH 11CP
A little about us Ms. Bond and Mr. Huang
Course Content: 11cp Major works include The Catcher in the Rye, Into the Wild (true story), The Crucible (in textbook), The Great Gatsby. Poetry Non-fiction: articles, speeches, etc. Media: related videos, documentaries, movies Skills: critical reading, expository writing, argument writing, creative writing, outlining, discussion, presentation (individual and group) w/ visual aids, vocabulary development, and grammar reinforcement.
Resources The Writing Center!
Grading MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: Projects, essays, tests, and quizzes will be worth 70%. MINOR ASSIGNMENTS: Class work and homework will account for 20%. The final 10% will be based on class participation, determined by overall effort, attendance, timeliness, preparedness, and willingness to participate to the best of their ability.
ASSIGNMENT POLICY No late work! Excused absences: as many days as they were absent to make up missing class work/homework, and four days to make up a test or quiz. (unless it’s a long-term assignment) Student’s responsibility to make the appointment! However, the website spells everything out…
Needed in class every day Binder (will create different sections as we go; will be collected for grading) Pens and pencils Highlighters Assigned reading book or textbook when indicated Recommended: index cards, post-its *Students should also have a flash drive for all their work or be proficient users of Google Drive!
Communication Course website: EVERYTHING about what’s going on in class is posted here – daily agendas, homework assignments, documents, assignment due dates, useful links, etc. (access from the NPHS website, or the direct URL is on their syllabus) Turnitin.com (e-mails should be updated) Remind messages (all are signed up) Q (formerly Zangle): see counseling office if you need your password School Google accounts for email, documents, presentations, etc. (log-in instructions on my website)
E-MAIL is best for personal questions/concerns. E-mail: abond@conejousd.org or abond@learn.conejousd.net Check out website; there is a link where you can e-mail me directly from there. Phone: ext. 1112 at the school. E-MAIL is best for personal questions/concerns.