Parent/Athlete Meeting Fountain-Ft. Carson High School 2017 Trojan Volleyball Handbook available on website!
Welcome and Intros Congratulations to the hard work from the student-athletes and welcome to the 2017-2018 season! Coaching Introductions: Coach MJ: Coach JJ: Coach Vicki: Coach Ray: Volunteer Coach Ms. Downing Sign in form
A+ Program Standards Academics FFC Eligibility Policy: “No pass no play” Volleyball Program Policy: If a player has a ‘D’ in any course, she will not be permitted to attend practice. Instead, she will work on bringing up the grade by studying or going to tutoring. Attendance On time to school, practice, bus departures, games, fundraisers, events Penalty: Not starting the next scheduled match Excused absences mimic school policy: if it would be excused from school, it is excused for volleyball Communication from the athlete in all cases possible, not the parent Attitude Respect to coaches and players at all times Respect to all teachers and peers (social media included) at all times ALL TOGETHER!
ATHLETE STANDARDS COMMUNICATION: Athlete to coach FIRST Swinging Rosters Stay to cheer on all levels, especially at home games! For away games, dress nicely (no tee shirts or jeans) For home games, dress in school spirit! Jeans and jerseys Domination shirt Practice shirt
OPTIONAL gear order Discount with Under Armor Spirit Store Order form completely optional Form due tonight, payment needed when items arrive Spirit Store One shirt ordered for girls to keep Gear provided for check-out during season: Uniform top Practice tee-shirts Duffle bag Black spandex available if needed Gear not provided Socks Shoes Kneepads
Social Media/Communications Volleyball Program Social Media Student-Athlete Social Media Coach MJ-Twitter: program information, training tools, recruiting tips, shout-outs, event updates Coach JJ-Facebook: program information, training tools, recruiting tips, shout-outs, event updates These are professional platforms for the program’s positive image Coaches do not ‘follow’ athletes on social media until athlete is graduated from FFCHS and 18 years old. Parents should monitor student social media Students must represent themselves professionally on social media If you wouldn’t want Coach seeing it, it shouldn’t be on social media Negative social media posts can result in immediate dismissal from the program and even school- issued discipline
Social Media/Communications Our program will continue to use the remind app for communications this year. Set up will be done at this time… School Website:
Parent Expectations Pick up on time/we let out on time Be professional 24 hour rule All Together-you are parents to the whole team Refs Signing out for travel games
Team Meals at Home Games tradition Contribute once per season Enough food for all levels (45 people) Link to sign up: ment/d/1L72DHCCD_zo1N3Lyp 9kgjJu0SWY- V5f0vFw3iCc9IhY/edit?usp=sha ring