AP Spanish 2nd semester
Please sign up for 2nd semester remind account, text your period’s code to 323-629-4321. I will not use the first semester remind account. 0 period, AVID @2b7dg2 1 period, Spanish IV @e649dk 2 period, Spanish IV @bgkfkk 3 period Spanish IV @b76k6f 5 period Spanish IV @dafhb 6 period Spanish IV @efk7fa
Seating Charts 0 period
1 period
2 period
3 period
5 period
6 period
Grades Points earned divided by points possible. A 100-91 B 90.99-81 C 80.99-70 D 69.99-55 F 54.99-0
Grades Final exams—4x150=600 pts Homework—15x25=375 pts Participation—9x50=450 pts Quizzes—15x100=1500 pts Outside Reading/Writing—15x50=750 pts Weekly speaking—15x25=375 pts Speaking assessment—2x250=500 pts In class test prep—14x50=700 pts Final project—1x300= 300 pts Total points available this semester—5550
Final Exams Speaking, reading, listening and writing exams, each worth 150 points. Will be given to all students, including seniors, prior to the last day of seniors. Grammar packets Packets will be assigned and turned in the first 15 Thursdays of the semester. The will be completed in class and turned in the same day. I will spot check up to three question the first and second being worth 5 points each and the last worth 15 points. Participation Every two weeks you will get a participation grade. It will be based your ability to arrive on time, to be prepared, to be focused, effort to speak in Spanish and the understanding that eating, listening to music, checking your phone, outside conversations, etc will lower this grade. Tardies, unexcused absences and leaving without permission as well as leaving the room disorderly will have negative consequences.
Quizzes Every Friday you will have a short quiz based on the types of questions in your grammar packets. Outside reading/writing Every Monday you will turn in an article along with a write up of the article. You must follow the procedures to get full credit. Weekly Speaking Every Monday, in your groups, all members will give a synopsis of their article to the group. Each person must record themselves with their phone and then email it to the teacher using the prescribed format. Speaking assessment From the weekly speaking assignment, one to two members of your group will have their recording more critically graded. This will be done at random for each student twice during the semester.
In class test preparation Students take this class because they want to take the AP or IB or both exams. As such, we will be doing much work with the exams and practicing for them. The first week of the second semester we will be going over the exams and then the second week through the 15th week we will be practicing. Final project The actual project has yet to be determined. It will be worth 300 points and will be completed during the month of May. Other Makeup work—only for excused absences. Death bed repentance—your grade is based upon a lot of items, get them in, on time and use your class time wisely will result in you not having to beg to have your grade changed. If you do, don’t forget that there is still a final participation grade.