A.H.S. Senior Internship May 3, 2012 to May 24, 2012
Senior Internship Homeroom Agenda I. Overview of the Internship Requirements while on Internship Qualifications to attend the Internship Senior Symposium Review of the Internship Packet Frequently Asked Questions Important Dates for the Internship
Senior Internship Requirements The STUDENT must design a program which will enable him/her to pursue a professional interest in an educational and practical way. The STUDENT must arrange for a community advisor and a school advisor Minimum 90 hours spent at your internship A presentation of the students work will be made during the Senior Symposium
Senior Internship Requirements 5. A written/typed DAILY journal reflective of the day’s experience Hourly log detailing Days, Dates, and Starting/Ending time for each day The format for the journal and log is the student’s choice, but each journal and log must meet the above requirements.
Qualifications to Attend Senior Internship (All for Second Semester) Six days or less excused absences and ZERO unexcused absences Six days or less excused tardies to school and no more than two unexcused tardies to school Passing all classes with a minimum GPA of 2.0 up to the date of internship
Qualifications to Attend Senior Internship (All for Second Semester) No four hour Saturday School No Suspension (In-School or Out of School) No Truancy (school, class, or study hall) All school material and financial obligations must be met Commencement Participation Form must be filed with Mrs. Lewis.
Senior Symposium What is it? -Presentation of your Senior Internship Project which will take place in front of an advisor, nine other Seniors, and any guests. How should it look? -The presentation should range between 5-8 minutes and should highlight what you did over the three weeks of your internship -Visual aids such as: Power Point, Prezi, Video, Poster, Pictures, etc. are encouraged
Senior Symposium (continued) Where will it be held? -You will be assigned to a specific room at Aurora High where a staff member/advisor will organize the presentation order for you and the nine other Seniors When will this take place? -Senior Symposium will be held at 7:00 PM on May 24, 2012. -Failure to present at the Symposium will result in the Senior not being permitted to participate in Commencement
Review of the Senior Internship Packet Page 1 & 2 cover the overall expectations #6- All applications must be submitted to Mr. Brookhart by Thursday, March 22, 2012 #7- There will be no applications approved for internships at any Aurora City Schools #15- Students who fail to complete the entire Internship, including the Symposium, will not be permitted to participate in Commencement
Review of the Senior Internship Packet Page 3- Explains the Student Requirements Page 4- Sample Log (Do not use this specific page) Pages 5 & 6 Application Process* #4- Project Summary on a separate page #5- Continuing Commitments can be on the same page as the project summary *No news is good news. If you are not called down to the office to review your project it has been approved. A list of approved internships will be posted in Government classes around the middle of April.
Review of the Senior Internship Packet Page 7- Role of Faculty Advisor (Tear this out and give it to your Faculty Advisor) Page 8- Role of Community Advisor (Tear this out and give it to your Community Advisor) Page 9- Community Advisor Evaluation Form
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions NO- We will not arrange for your internship YES- Students that take AP & IB classes can go on internship NO- You do not need to take final exams if you are on internship YES- You must take final exams if you do not go on internship or if you are required to return from internship due to problems with the internship NO- You can not participate in Commencement if you fail to fulfill all the requirements for internship
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions NO- You many not do an internship at Miller, Craddock, Leighton, Harmon, or AHS. YES- All school rules and AHS Code of Conduct do apply throughout the internship NO- You can not stay home if you are removed from the internship program YES- The Senior Internship can be an invaluable experience and it is highly recommended!
AHS Senior Internship Important Dates December 14th- Start thinking about where you would like to intern & begin seeking out advisors. March 22rd- Applications are Due May 3rd- Senior Internship Begins May 24th- Senior Symposium at 7:00 PM May 24th- Senior Internship Ends If you have any questions about the Senior Internship please see Mr. Brookhart.