Adjusting to Peace and the Red Scare The Roaring 20’s Adjusting to Peace and the Red Scare
Key Vocabulary Economic Boom: A time of quick economic growth. Economic Bust: A time of quick economic decline. The U.S. Stock market boomed in the 1920’s. Life was good for American’s during The Roaring 20’s and it was a time of economic boom. Key Vocabulary
The Decade of the 1920’s opened with the task of adjusting to peace Americans returned to the foreign policy of Isolationism-the refusal to interfere in foreign affairs The government stopped it’s wartime spending and soldiers returned home looking for work This caused a temporary economic recession (downturn) Isolationism
The end of WWI brought about new fears regarding communism Because Russia fell to a communist regime in 1917 Americans feared the same Communists threatened to spread their revolution to other countries The Red Scare created an atmosphere of Panic Communism – a government controlled country. The Red Scare
In January of 1919 an Italian anarchist set off a bomb outside the home of Attorney General Mitchell Palmer A series of bombs went off in the U.S. This event scared people into thinking the U.S. govt. was about to be taken over On Jan. 20 4,000 individuals were arrested without warrants, causing suspicion and panic Palmer Raids
Sacco and Vanzetti Case Two Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were convicted of murder during a robbery The money stolen was believed to help overthrow the U.S. government Both individuals were tried with no sufficient evidence to convict them America did not want to look weak so they found both guilty of being anarchists and were executed in 1927 Sacco and Vanzetti Case
The Rise of Nativism and Racism The Red Scare, anarchist bombings, and the Saco/Vanzetti trial contributed to the rise of nativism-dislike of foreigners The Great Migration of southern blacks to the north also led to racism The KKK will re-emerge in the and target Catholics, immigrants, and blacks Chicago Race Riot-America the Story of U.S. Clip The Rise of Nativism and Racism