Monica Sienders, Jos van den Bongaardt & Gonny Schellings Interfacultaire Lerarenopleidingen The assessment of teachers’ differentiation skills: the construction of an observation scale. Monica Sienders, Jos van den Bongaardt & Gonny Schellings
Why differentiated teaching? Call for differentiated teaching Differentiated teaching = “the efforts of teachers to respond to differences among learners WITHIN ONE classroom” (Tomlinson, 2000; 2005a). Differentiated teaching may be aimed at five different elements: class climate, instruction; assignments; grouping structure, and evaluation. Differentiated teaching is an instructional strategy of a higher order level (Van de Grift, et al., 2011). Observation scale
Openschoolgemeenschap Bijlmer Very heterogeneous school Research teachers have constructed a course for differentiated teaching. Observation scale
Research questions concerning the observation scale Is assessment of differentiated teaching possible? May the effects of a training course be made visible? (Is there an increase in observable differentiated teaching after following a course) Observation scale
The observation scale Is based on: interviews (at a heterogeneous secondary school), two other observation instruments (Van de Grift, 2007; Van Tassel-Baska et al., 2008) differentiation rubrics (Strickland, 2009). Concerns: a high-inference event sample scale Consist of two parts: the quality and frequency of activities. Observation scale
Quality part of the scale There are five subscales (indices): Class climate; instruction; assignments; grouping structure, and evaluation Each index is qualitatively judged with help of rubrics (1=Novice; 2=Apprentice; 3= Practitioner; 4= Expert; 0 = not observed). Observation scale
Frequency part Each scale is specified by “good practice examples”. In all, there are 20 “good practice examples”. three-point frequency scale 1 = not at all; 2= occasionally; 3= regularly. Observation scale
Practice: meet Edwin Teacher English; 7 years of practice 28 students Lower-grade: students are not yet familiar with differentiated teaching The lesson is half-way; students have already made some exercises; now feedback is given. Please score the scale 1) Class climate 2) Instruction 3) Grouping structure Please score the scale at 1) Class climate 2) Instruction 3) Grouping structure Observation scale
Discussion 1) The results found with the observation scale were somewhat ambiguous (for example both increases and decreases in differentiation activities). Can the observation scale be used as a reliable evaluation instrument or should it solely be used as an instructional tool ? Observation scale
Discussion 2) The frequency of the differentiation activities turned out not to relate to the quality of these activities. Should the instrument be adjusted to match frequencies and quality in more congruent ways? Observation scale
Discussion 3) The instrument is quite complex to score. Can the instrument also be used by relative layman in the area of differentiated teaching? Observation scale