jazz classical rock techno blues opera pop
Do you know these instruments? guitar /gi’ta:/ violin /,vaiə’lin/ piano organ /'ɔ:gən / trumpet /'trΛmpit/ drums /drΛm/
piano guitar
trumpet drum
violin organ
where?where? Vienna
European classical music Module 5 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music By Hu Yihong
Mozart the Strauss family
centre / ‘sentə/ 中心
Johann Strauss the elder / 'eldə/ Father of the waltz 圆舞曲之父 waltz /wכ:lts/ 圆舞曲
Johann Strauss the younger / 'jΛŋgə/ King of the Waltz 圆舞曲之王 The Blue Danube
prodigy of music 音乐天才 die /dai/ young 死得早 Mozart
Check the sentences 1. Many composers and musicians came to study and work in Vienna. 2. Strauss the younger played the piano, the violin and the organ at the age of six. 3. Mozart wrote his first opera at the age of 14. 4. The family took Mozart around Europe. 5. The father Johann Strauss died in 1791. 6. Mozart wrote The Blue Danube. √ × × √ × ×
Question Competition 1.Where is Vienna? In Austria. 2.Which family was the most famous family of musicians in Vienna? 3.What sort (种类)of music did Johann Strauss the elder write? In Austria. The Strauss family. Waltzes.
4.How many waltzes did Johann Strauss the younger write? 5.What was Johann Strauss the younger’s most famous piece of music? 6.When was Mozart born? 7.What instruments could Mozart play before he was six? More than 400. The Blue Danube. In 1756. The piano, the violin and the organ.
8.When did Mozart write his first opera? 9.What did Mozart write in addition to (除……以外)operas? 10.How old was Mozart when he died? 11.Who do some people say was the greatest European composer? At the age of 12. Music for the classic orchestra. 35. Mozart.
Birthday Birth place Experiences Death Evaluation (评价) Before six, he could play the piano, the violin and the organ. When he was young, his family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. At the age of 12, he wrote his first opera. He also wrote hundreds of beautiful music for the classical orchestra. in 1791 the greatest European composer Experiences Death Evaluation (评价)
Before six, he could play the piano, the violin and the organ. When he was young, his family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. At the age of 12, he wrote his first opera. He also wrote hundreds of beautiful music for the classical orchestra. in 1791 the greatest European composer
Put the notes in order ( ) famous for the song The Yellow River 4 ( ) wrote it in 1939 in only six days ( ) music describes China to the rest of the world ( ) used traditional Chinese music ( ) studied in Paris ( ) one of the great composers of classical and traditional music ( ) brought western and Chinese music together ( ) born in Macao,China,1905 ( ) songs have been popular for more than 60 years ( ) called the People’s Musician ( ) died young,1945 4 5 8 6 3 1 7 2 9 11 10
Writing Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in Macao, China in 1905 and studied in Paris. He is famous for his song The Yellow River. He wrote it in 1939 in only 6 days. He used traditional folk music, and brought western and Chinese music together. The music describes China to the rest of the world, and his songs have been popular for more than 60 years. Unluckily, Xian Xinghai died young, in 1945.However, he is called the People’s Musician and people like his music very much.
Who is your favorite singer? Homework Who is your favorite singer?
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