Does music affect reaction speed? Grace Faletoese, Lara Mackay and Will Wall
Aim To determine whether different music genres affect a persons reaction speed. Purpose Reaction speed is linked to concentration. Therefore, by determining which music genres improve reaction speed, we can deduce that those same genres will also improve concentration. This applies to us as we can prove that listening to music while studying or in-class is beneficial to our ability to focus.
Ruler Reaction Method The technique used to measure physical reaction speed involved dropping a ruler through a subjects open grip as the subject attempted to catch the ruler. The speed of reaction was determined by measuring the distance that the ruler travelled between when it was dropped and when it was caught. The measurement seen above the subjects fingers when caught was recorded. A sample population of 40 people with ten from each age group (5-10, 11-15, 16-20 and 21+) were invited to participate A 30cm ruler was placed above the subjects hand in pincer grip with the 0cm measurement in line with the top of the hand The ruler was then dropped The measurement in line with the top of the hand was recorded 5 practise attempts were given to the subjects The same 30 second soundbyte of a song from each of the 5 following genres of music was played through headphones to the subject: classical, instrumental, EDM, rap/hip hop, rock and no music The ruler was dropped randomly during the 30 second soundbyte and the measurement of the subjects reaction speed was recorded. Step 6 was repeated for each genre with the 6th preformed in silence With the ruler length being 300mm, an unsuccessful attempt was recorded as >31omm
Possible experimental errors Each test was standardised by dropping the ruler from the same starting position where the bottom of the ruler (0cm) was level with the top of the subjects hand Practise performance error of subjects (progressively getting better) was overcome by giving 5 practise attempts to the subjects and the 6 genres were played in random order. Parallax error was overcome by the recorder taking the measurements at eyelevel to the ruler
Results Graph Analysis Overall in the age group of 5-10 year olds males had faster reaction speeds, although only slightly. When subjects listened to EDM, rap/hip hop and rock their reaction speeds were slower. While listening to EDM all subjects had the slowest reaction speeds. All subjects had quicker reaction speeds while listening to classical and instrumental music. All subjects had the quickest reaction speed while listening to classical music.
Results Graphs Analysis In the age group of 11-15 and 16-20 year olds, overall females had quicker reaction speeds. While listening to EDM and rock subjects had slower reaction speeds. All subjects had the slowest reaction speed while listening to rock. While listening to classical and instrumental music, subjects had quicker reaction speeds. All subjects listening to classical music had the quickest reaction speeds.
Results Graph Analysis In the age group of 21+ year olds, overall males had quicker reaction speed than females. While listening to EDM and rap/hip hop female subjects had slower reaction speed. Female subjects had the slowest reaction speed while listening to EDM. While listening to classical and instrumental music, female subjects had quicker reaction speeds. Female subjects while listening to instrumental music had the quickest reaction speed. Males had slower reaction speed while listening to instrumental, rap/hip hop and rock. While listening to instrumental music males had the slowest reaction speed. Males had quicker reaction speed while listening to classical and EDM music. While listening to classical music males had the quickest reaction speed.
Overall results graph analysis Males had slower reaction speed with rock and rap/hip hop music. While listening to rock, Males had the slowest reaction speed. Males had quicker reaction speed while listening to classical and instrumental music. While listening to classical music males had the quickest reaction speed. Females had slower reaction speed with EDM and rock music. While listening to rock music, females had the slowest reaction speed. Females has quicker reaction speed while listening to classical and instrumental music. While listening to classical music females had the quickest reaction speed. There is a clear trend that can be seen throughout all the graphs; subjects had the slowest reaction speeds while listening to EDM, rap/hip hop and rock music. Subjects had the quickest reaction speeds while listening to classical and instrumental music. Subjects found it harder to concentrate while listening to upbeat music with lyrics. Calmer, orchestral and instrumental music made it easier to focus.
Personal Evaluation In this experiment, potential experimental error was recognised and addressed accordingly. In any successful experiment there are three elements: reliability, accuracy and validity. The data reliability could be improved with more test subjects and also averages of individual results. A more accurate process of testing reaction speed than the ‘Ruler Reaction Method’ would improve the accuracy of this experiment. The validity of the experiment, referring to whether or not the aim was achieved, was fair.
Conclusion Musical genres classical and instrumental improve or match the reaction speed of the control – no music. This infers that listening to music with no vocals or lyrics is the most effective when there is a need to focus or concentrate. This is perhaps because vocals and lyrics are distracting to the subject and divert their primary attention from the task.